Corruption Continues to Flourish in Trinidad and Tobago with the Help of Government

skeletonDear Kamla and Anand,

I am now more than a bit concerned that corruption from the Manning era is flourishing under your watch. Despite all your ranting about setting up an Anti-corruption Commission, I have heard nothing about this essential service.   I don’t know if such a Commission exist since a Google search shows that it was last mentioned early in 2011. I blogged about such a measure in January 2011, full of hope that finally a Government in power will do something about the corruption infestation that is still plaguing our land.

What has happened since this People’s Partnership was elected is that senior government ministers are now partying with the obviously-corrupt public officials and some suspected big drug men and money launders are courting and liming with the opposition. By now, despite rants form politicians on both sides, the population knows that Section 34 was no accident and it was one of the few things that the Government, Opposition and other higher powers agreed on for the good of the “better people” of our land. Our marketed-as-fearless Prime Minister said back in January 2011  “If it is that a man works for $1,000 but he is driving a million-dollar BMW, then where did that money come from?” What I want to add is “Where did some of the directors of various Ministries get money to build their $10,000,000 dollar second homes in Trinidad, and buy new Prados and BMWs.” These homes are places where some self-righteous Government Ministers party with dubious characters (public servants) who might well be sponsoring the Government.

Much of the population is feeling betrayed by the Government and Opposition as people are realizing the depth of corruption and money laundering in this country. Both political parties seem to have a hand in allowing these activities to flourish as these political parties and party officials benefit immensely from dirty money. These parties are unpatriotic and their main goal is to ride the backs of voters so that they can protect the Mr. Bigs of our country. What lies beneath our political parties stinks even more than what we see on the surface and what we see on the surface is rotten beyond belief.

A Betrayed Voter


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Trinidad and Tobago Budget-Minded Criminals

The only reason Citizens show a keen interest in the National Budget every year is that, besides Movietowne and Parliament, there isn’t much quality entertainment available to citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. Movietowne provides a nice environment for movies, dining and liming whereas Parliament supplies quality bacchanal due to an over-abundance of Parliamentarians and Senators with  the lowest morals, integrity and intelligence. The National Budget was always about the allocation of funds available for plundering by the elected and selected few and if the Budget provided relief and hope to the average Citizen it was purely coincidental. This year, the Prime Minister in her glee, pelted a few grains of budgetary delights at her chickens in an attempt to prevent them from noticing they were being slaughtered daily.

The National Budget was, and still is, about putting the elected and selected thieves on alert in order to get their act together so the Country’s money won’t be wasted of the common good but on the good of the chosen.  This Government is so similar to the last one I am beginning to realize the People’s Partnership was envious of the Manning regime, so they decided to copy Manning’s style from day one. The National Budget is not a statement of the way forward for the country but a newsletter for white-collar criminals of Trinidad and Tobago. It is an important document used for planning by this elite bunch as this is a country where white-collar criminals are protected by the law and their lawyers on the inside.

From Manning to Persad-Bissessar – not a damn thing has changed except for the changing of the incompetents and big time thieves.

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Dear Kamla – There is no Silver Lining on this Dark Cloud

Dear Kamla,

After your speech last night, I can say you are now in the same league as Patrick Manning – incompetent beyond words. It is either incompetent or part of the conspiracy plot but believe me, incompetent is the better choice.

It seems you were the last person in Trinidad and Tobago to realize that Mr. Hubert could not be trusted around the laws of the country. What does that say for your other choices of members of your cabinet? Is Mr. Hubert the only one who can not be trusted? Your judgment apparently leaves a lot to be desired and I now truly believe that we will have many more disgraceful and unpatriotic lies and schemes which you and your cabinet are planning to “unintentionally” unleash onto the public.

If there really was a new level of accountability from the Government when the People’s Partnership replaced the PNM you would have also fired Mr. Anand and throw in Jack for good measure simply because they were telling the population “move on, nothing to see here.” Really, nothing to see here!  Maybe you should have also resigned in order to show the population what good governance really looks like.  Your speech last night does not signal the end but the beginning of the end for your party. It’s so sad it had to come to this.

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Colour Me Bloody Orange

The Government’s newly launched Colour Me Orange crime and poverty reduction project has a good chance of turning into something called Colour Me Bloody Orange crime escalation and poverty reduction by forced population elimination scheme as there is now every indication this has the makings of a war – first the big stones in the car park then the guns in the streets. What might appear to be a simple weeding job to the casual observer may end up being a weeding out exercise, with the principle being dead men don’t work, though some do get paid. It is true the PP Government is trying to reduce the amount of gold chain snatching and muggings taking place for the season of good will and joy but Colour Me Orange seems like throwing gasoline in the fire where crime is concerned.

The Opposition’s greatest fear is the Project will buy the Government support while that is the Government’s greatest wish. I suppose Government’s policy is to manage gangs rather than eliminate the need for them. Maybe Government has seen the benefits of being in a gang and want to become the leader of the Orange gang, the most feared and ruthless gang since the last Government gang. But every cloud has a silver lining so I decided, in the interest of my economy, to become a community leader and will be accepting members into my gang. All members must be willing to fear me while looking menacing to the general public. Once we, the aka_lol Gang, are deemed to be both a threat to national security and a lost cause we too will qualify for some Orange. it is either that or we continue to perish in traffic and continue our careers as lowly, unappreciated, completely-ignored -until-we-miss-a-tax-payment taxpayers.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man ~ Mark Twain

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Trinidad and Tobago Spies – Spying for Prophetess and Profit


A Trinidad and Tobago Spy Helicopter?

Everybody suspected there was big time spying going on in this tiny country of Trinidad and Tobago but what is even more shocking is that the Prophetess couldn’t see what was going on without all the high-tech equipment. Maybe the intelligence work was not for political gain alone but also sold  to those gunrunners, drug dealers and kidnappers who people always thought was a big part of the old, voted-out partnership. All those helicopters buzzing about and the Blimp peeping into people’s  bedrooms with nice, flashy cameras was not just to satisfy the erotic fantasies of the Master and his Mistress but also for profit. I suspect the people involved in these state-funded, illegal operations have hundreds of millions of ill-gotten US dollars stashed in bank accounts and mattresses around the world and in local financial institutions except CL Financial. Was Duprey and Monteil on the list of those spied on? If so, was Tesheira privy to such privileged information? Seeing how ethical a person she is, I won’t be surprised.  Something smells very rotten in Trinidad and Tobago and I believe he made a statement on the issue at a press conference today. Talk about a bold face liar who will obviously spend the rest of his days in Golden Grove. The people can’t wait.

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A Just a Joke, Right?

General or President ManningThe General Elections of 2010 in Trinidad and Tobago will go down as one of the most creative in the country’s history due to the expertise citizens have developed in using Photoshop, or maybe even Gimp. I had to laugh when I saw this most scandalous depiction of our Honorable Prime Minister and even became angry that people would cast dictatorial tendencies aspersions on our democratically elected PM. Some say if he wins elections he will remove corruption from the list of crimes in our law books in order to fulfill his dream of a church in the bush. Some say he will not do that but have an amnesty on corruption for at least the next five years.  But regardless of what will happen if PM PM PM wins, I think the General outfit suits him.

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What Rowlee said bout Pathos

Pathos gets the info on Rowlee’s long awaited speech from one of his advisers.

Adviser to Pathos: Rowlee call yuh de captain of the ship

Pathos: Aye! That Good! Ah knoe he woulda see de lite

Adviser to Pathos: He say this is not the time to throw de captain overboard.

Pathos: Go on.

Adviser to Pathos: He say there will be enough time for court martial wen de ship dry dock

Pathos: Who de ass he talking bout court martialing ? Collom nah? Sometime ah doe noe why Collom doe hush he mouth.

Adviser to Pathos: No Sir, I think he was referring to you.

Pathos: God man, he start back he chuidness again. Dat man is a real ole dog yes.

Adviser to Pathos: Yes Sir, and at the end of he speech he say Uff, Uff, Uff

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The Uff Report and Jail

Prof. John Uff

On the day the Uff Report was submitted to a happy looking President, the Prime Minister suddenly realized the people needed more hospitals and Summits. The Prime Minister did not say how the country was going to fund these hospitals or any project in the future since the country is nearly out of money, low on natural gas and expect the price of LNG to drop to around 1/8th of its current low price in a couple years. It was also on the same day of the Uff Report WASA announced again the country will run out of water before the rain starts, so citizens will have to bathe less.

Calder Hart and possibly aka Carlos Corazón or even aka Manuel Digoutui

Luckily, the press did not fall for any of these Government-planned distractions and the first few pages of every newspaper featured the Uff Report and talked about the recommendation that some people involved in many big construction projects might have to go to jail if found guilty or if found. Sometime around the handing in of the Uff Report there was a newspaper article saying the corruption police, or is it the anti-corruption, ass-dragging police, couldn’t contact Calder Hart. I don’t know if they contacted the AG because the AG told the population not to worry, he knows how to contact Mr. Hart – The number you have reached is not in Service. Please get on a plane and get cracking. This is a recording. The police have to consider Mr. Hart may have changed his name to something like Carlos Corazón or Manuel Digoutui (Man-Well-Dig-Out-U-Eye).

in butt-saving-mode

The only thing the people are talking about  in Trinidad is corruption and a church in the Heights of Guanapo. Strangely, the Prime Minister is not addressing any of these issues in his pre-campaign trail excursions and instead continues to kiss those too young to read about him in the press and projects a body language which says “if you don’t support me I will destroy you.”  Our Prime Minister may not be well respected by the majority of the population because of his open expressions of hate for his countrymen but he is feared by all, especially  professional grass cutters and the Gang Land finance people.

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Leave The Prime Minister Alone

I don’t know why people in this country are making a little mole hill into a big mountain again. Everybody knows that our Bible-quoting Prime Minister will never use his powers – official and unofficial – as a Prime Minister to grant anyone favours, including himself, or members of his family, or even a seer-woman. He will never command a Borough Corporation to clear a road leading to a construction site for a church. He will also never order T&TEC to provide electricity to this church construction site. He will also never be involved with any company that hires the Chinese instead of the Voters to build any church. The Prime Minister might be powerful but he is a smart man of integrity and that is the only reason why he is not in jail. Our Prime Minister is so honest, he is almost a perfect role model for our country and Government Ministers. I now feel like a common criminal after washing my car with a hose last weekend.

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And The Prime Minister said “Get off my grass!”

The Prime Minister’s contractor was caught watering the Prime Minister’s lawn by the Trinidad Express and was fired by the Prime Minister because the Prime Minister didn’t know his contractor was still watering the Prime Minister’s lawn with scarce national water because the Prime Minister told the country he can remember telling the Prime Minister’s Wife to tell the grass contractor to stop greening up the grass as if it was a fete.

It appears the Prime Minister only became aware there was a water crisis in the country a couple days ago during a speech where he urged a handful of supporters to stop wasting water on grass. One wonders if the Prime Minister would have fired the contractor, stopped watering the people’s grass or even noticed his grass was the greenest in the land if the Trinidad Express hadn’t brought it to the nation’s attention.

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Sex, Celebrities and Sex Tapes – Why Life is So Much Fun

It would be wrong for me not to write a blog post before the end of the year without the words bikini, sex, sex tape, nudity, naked, or Tiger Woods. These are the things that people are most interested in, not world peace, world hunger, climate change or Patrick Manning’s kidneys.

I am writing these thoughts as a man who, through observation and experimentation, realized that the world is driven by sex and nudity more than, say, oat meal or reforestation. The world is more driven by 16-inch alloy rims which, incidentally, are designed to be used by car drivers as an extension or substitute for sex appeal but not money or dimples, than The Queen’s Christmas Message. So blog post with nude or almost nude females have proven to be popular but so too are blog post about celebrities such as Zoe Saldana, Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson, Jessica Alba, Kate Winslet, Beyonce and Anya Ayoung-Chee. I have observed that women who know when to get naked have more power over men, and some women, than an  old, discarded politician holding on to power like it was his last erection or  Chinese bedroom curtain.

Instead of people burning tires to fix roads, or clashing with police to try to change those perpetually dull minds in Parliament, people should stay home and have sex or at least, get naked. Have a sexfest not a protest. But if you want thousands of people to march to Woodford Square to protest the New Property Tax, enlist women who would strip for the cause, thus creating the right attraction. We are too conservative in our approach to getting our point across and PETA realized this many years ago. To make a point you don’t have to be logical since logic is often dull and never as inspirational as emotion, and the emotion of sex is the most compelling emotion yet.

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Steups – The Mood of the Nation

steupsI got this idea from Scene’s last blog post.

Only a few weeks ago I  saw the Mint from Diana with the word that I, and everybody in Trinidad and Tobago have been saying (in bold and red) more than usual, Steups.  Because of this, I decided to give Diana’s Steups some free ad space for understanding the mood of the nation better than any politician alive today. I also dedicate this blog post to those who make us feel no National Pride but only Steups instead.

Patrick Manning – Steups

Basdeo Panday – Steups

Gary Hunt – Steups

$2 Million Dollar Flag Pole – Steups

Colom Imbert – Steups

Bailey Bridge – Steups

Flooding – Steups

Trincity Mall – Steups

Neil Parsanlal – Steups

Calder Hart – Steups

Michael Annisett – Steups


Barry Sinanan – Steups

Corruption – Steups

Traffic, Traffic Everywhere – Steups

Martin Joseph – Steups

CoP Philbert – Steups

The Blimp – Steups

Crime Wave – Steups

Jerry Narace – Steups

Karen Nunez-Tesheira – Steups

Integrity Commission – Steups

Max Richards – Steups

Licensing Office (especially Omera) – Steups

Passport Office (ALL) – Steups

Shoulder Riders – Steups

CHOGM – Steups

WASA (Pothole Crews) – Steups

Please Feel Free to Add

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Producing Productivity in Trinidad and Tobago

productivity-chartProductivity – A country’s productivity is usually measured by the country’s GDP per hours worked.

GDP – Measuring GDP is complicated (which is why we leave it to the economists), but at its most basic, the calculation can be done in one of two ways: either by adding up what everyone earned in a year (income approach), or by adding up what everyone spent (expenditure method). Logically, both measures should arrive at roughly the same total. ~ Investopedia

Productivity isn’t everything but in the end it is almost everything. A country’s ability to improve its standard of living over time depends almost entirely on its ability to raise its output per worker. ~ Paul Krugman

Short skirts in the workplace has been shown to boost productivity by boosting attendance. ~ aka_lol

productivity cartoonPrime Minister Patrick Manning said the country’s productivity has been falling for the last five years and though I didn’t have the figures to prove it I had a gut feeling it was so since everybody I knew was either stuck in traffic or flood during productive times.  The Prime Minister is saying we citizens were being paid more and more over those five years but we produced less and less. I feel a sense of shame because of this. What The Prime Minister didn’t say was people were being paid more and more for one of several reasons –  to avoid starvation due to inflation, to go apartment shopping in Miami or to help win elections. The Prime Minister also said in his speech to launch the Productivity Council that citizens must work harder and come to work on time – the answers are always so simple.

productivitySo we need to produce more corn curls, Crix and painted stones (aka GDP) per man per hour.  How we in Trinidad and Tobago achieve more productivity will not be easy since UDECOTT is already spending efficiently and the new helicopters will produce more than just dust in we face. The Parliamentarians are taking the lead and agreed to a much deserved wage freeze but will produce more hot air in return. All these efforts must be commended but I am mostly hoping the 15-man Productivity Council has enough productive members to produce a productive report worth producing at a competitive price.

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Trinidad and Tobago Government Running Scared – Finally


Government loses its claim to legitimacy when it fails to fulfill its obligations.

—Martin L. Gross
The Government Racket, 1992

So the DPP will decide if to charge Inshan Ishmael, a social activist and one of the organizers of the One Voice gathering, for staging a protest outside the Prime Minister’s residence last Sunday night. This was amazingly rapid response by the Police possibly because it involved the most loved Prime Minister this country ever had, Patrick Manning. I have no doubt that the Government wants to put a stop to any democratic protest in the country because democracy and the will of the people are a threat to the Government’s ability to stay in power and out of jail. Charging Inshan Ishmael will not solve any of the country’s problems but it will be a shabby attempt to solve a big ruling party problem; legitimacy.

The Government, through its worthless PR machinery, gives the impression that all protest against the Government is political. You see, it is political to protest the inability of the Government to curb crime, to build a smelter without even considering the benefits and real cost to the country, to chronically have poor health care served in a foreign language, drag racing on the roads at night, the non-functioning of CCTV cameras since the cameras never picked up any drag racing, interference in every independent democratic intuition including an independent but stupid senator, a less than intelligent president and the appointment of incompetent Ministers at nearly every level. I suppose that last one is rigid Government policy.

The latest PR ploy called the TEMPORARY freezing of salaries of Parliamentarians by the SRC isn’t fooling anybody, especially the Trade Unions who are going to be hit with a wage-freeze policy. The people won’t buy it because after years of squandering billions on a select few the Government cannot call for anything resembling a wage freeze without paying the ultimate price of defeat at the polls.  Added to all this is the lack of foreign exchange to maintain our heavily dependent foreign exchange lifestyle and Government’s squander mania. Constant small increases in the exchange rate will mean big increases in the cost of living. Try to freeze the country’s wages while this is happening, Mr.  Prime Minister. One Voice wasn’t a protest; it was the tip of only one iceberg. I guess you already know that.

Go ahead and arrest Inshan Ishmael and the all the protesters and see how much better the country will be. Go ahead and leave the Woodford square protesters alone. Go ahead and see if this is good for building a proper 2020 nation. When people say you and your Government don’t care, Mr. Prime Minister, they are not being political; they are telling you what they see and experience everyday.

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Neverland – Trinidad and Tobago


Some say it was the thought of being escorted at the crack of dawn on some random morning while he was still in his pajamas, on the next one-way plane to Cuba that caused him to declare an imaginary war on criminals for the umpteenth time in as many years. But with the harmonized, spontaneous laughter erupting all over the country minutes into the 7’oclock news last night, people became aware PM PM was after Tommy and Martin Joseph’s crowns as National Joker and Clown, respectively. Even the news anchormen and women had a hard time holding back a chuckle since his antics sounded more like something from the mouth of a standup comic than a real leader.

c4b_footballDuring the same interview, PM PM said he was angry that social commentators and certain blogs called him compassionless for the statements he made concerning the recent murder of 10 year old Tecia Henry, but nothing he said, or the way he said nothing, during the brief press interview changed anybody’s mind about him. In fact, his show of anger, hate, and disgust over the comments that obviously dented his fragile ego only supported the public’s opinion he is a an insecure leader who dwells only on his imaginary self-importance, and not the people.

So life goes on in our own Neverland where the President will never resign and the Prime Minister will never care.  In our Neverland, criminals will never be caught, our economy will never prosper without high oil prices, our money never stop being wasted on nonproductive ego-trips and our leaders will never stop climbing on the back of democracy to become dictators. When will it end? Never.

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Murder, Murder Everywhere in Trinidad and Tobago


Every day seems to be a better day in Trinidad and Tobago and yesterday was no exception. Camille Danniel, a woman who lived in Diego Martin, was carjacked. She attempted to escape by pulling into a “Model Police Station” but this plan didn’t work. The carjackers probably threatened to shoot Mrs. Danniel if she pulled in to the police station and she may have thought it was an acceptable risk because a Police Station should be a symbol of security. Tragically, Mrs. Danniel last moments were spent in terror as she was shot in the back on driving into the police station by one of the carjackers who was intent in keeping his criminal word. She died on the spot.

Most people, except The Party Faithful, were appalled at this recent assault by criminals on a defenseless woman but it was not unexpected since the interceptor boats have not arrived in the country yet.  Citizens also think there is only a cosmetic approach to the crime problem in Trinidad and Tobago as there were always rumors  saying some very big people with long strings and the police are involved in drugs and guns in Trinidad and Tobago. Citizens are outraged by this Murder in a Model Police Station and the only thing that may take the people’s minds away from the incident is if the Prime Minister announces the construction of another smelter or praises Martin Joseph’s intellect again.

We do not care if Martin Joseph is putting his best foot forward. We do not care The Prime Minister never expresses compassion because he has none. Did he speak with any compassion about Tecia Henry’s murder? We do not care if the Prime Minister has a fragile ego and Martin Joseph is his mentor and scapegoat. All we want is to not get killed and raped. We want to walk the streets without worrying about carjackers and muggers, and not worry about drunk drivers and speeding cars. All we want is to breathe air without toxins and to not fight the Government to do what is right.  We are not asking for much but to the average ruling politician we are asking too much.

No doubt the studying of the latest crime plan by Martin Joseph will be fast tracked to give the nation another illusion of care. Just wait and see.

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