Severe Weather / Tropical Storm Approaches Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago Weather

Trinidad and Tobago Weather


UPDATE: 31th October 2010 @ 12:52 p.m –  Tobago and Grenada remains under a Tropical Storm Warning

FROM The Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Services

Date: Sunday 31st of October 2010


Over the past twelve (12) hours, Tobago and
specifically Northern and Eastern parts of
Trinidad, experienced prolonged periods of
rainfall, some of which were heavy and
accompanied by gusty winds.
The feeder band into Tomas remains over both
islands and while satellite and radar imagery
show some degree of weakening there are still few
areas of intense convection in the vicinity of
Tobago that can produce additional rainfall.

Grounds are waterlogged in the above mentioned
areas and with surface runoff there is the
possibility of further flooding to those regions
already inundated. There have also been reports
of landslides in eastern parts of Tobago.
Trinidad but more so Tobago will continue to see
some periods of light rain and/or showers and the
isolated thundershower with improvement to more
settled conditions as the day progresses.

October 29th 2010

A vigorous tropical wave is approaching Trinidad and Tobago and it has a 80% chance of turning into a tropical storm in 48 hours. This doesn’t look good for a population that had to put up with extremely bad weather for the rainy season and continues to weather the Clico financial crisis with desperate threats from formerly-rich policyholders. The 6:25 am bulletin from the Met Services states  “The leading periphery of the wave should begin affecting Trinidad and Tobago during the late afternoon/evening. Moderate to heavy showers can be expected along with isolated thundershowers capable of producing 1 to 2 inches of rainfall. These downpours can yield moderate to severe street or flash flooding and strong bursts of gusts in excess of 50kmh.

As the wave continues to intensify and move closer to Trinidad and Tobago showery activity can yield 3 to 4 inches and possibly 5 to 6 inches from early Saturday into Sunday. Wind speeds with gusts in excess of 55kmh are likely.”

You can check for updates here: Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Services

When this system turns into a storm it will be called Tropical Storm Tomas

This severe weather may put a damper on Halloween Celebrations this year as the system has a good chance of intensifying into a tropical depression and then storm before the first withch’s mini-skirt is hemmed even shorter.

May the storm veer north even more.

Happy Halloween

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Ish and Steve – Their Greatest Fear

The sign which Ish and Steve will be wearing if they ever make it to US prison

The United States of America is not a country where convicted people are stoned but rumor has it that Ish and Steve are spending large sums of money on lawyers because they are afraid of getting stones pelted at their faces and butts in a US prison. Usually innocent people can’t wait for their day in court to prove their innocence, so I am puzzled as to why the dynamic duo called Ish and Steve are fighting so hard against this. Maybe they are true patriots and prefer our known, local judges to those foreign, unknown ones. I suppose the duo know more about the crime they are accused of than me, a taxpayer who is yet to figure out how to launder money without a washing machine.

Ish and Steve

The families of Ish and Steve should be aware the average citizen really don’t give a ship or yacht about the pair.  The average citizen is fed up of hearing about Ish and Steve and just wish them their due. I don’t know what they deserve, but I am thankful they are not my friends, acquaintances or relatives since I hate coming up with idiotic press releases that only anger non-corrupt citizens battered by two consecutive corrupt regimes. To be honest, based on how the media photographs and file video make these two look,  they should be serving time for looking like imitation mob bosses disguised as crooked businessmen  but I am only joking and not implying innocence.

Judging by the amount of big boys waiting for arrest then conviction for corruption in Trinidad and Tobago, a Faculty of Forensic Accounting and Public Plundering should be established at UWI and not UTT for obvious reasons. The average citizen is aware that if the country sinks to the point of little return despite years of oil wealth, it will be because of the extreme  greed of of some very evil men who deserve all the stones a prison can throw at their orifices.

I will say this again for those who are tempted to get into corruption because their day job doesn’t pay enough to afford a couple extra women, educate their 3-CXC brats “abroad” plus retire in luxury in Miami; before you start, know how yuh want yuh arse finished.

What men dream of in prison

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Ishmael Samad – Another Citizen Supreme

Ishmael Samad

Ishmael Samad attempted to make either a symbolic or real citizen’s arrest of Calder Hart using a well constructed sledge hammer on Mr. Hart’s gate. The incident was seen on the 7’oclock news and the blows to the gate showed that the decorative pieces on the gate were poorly welded on. If I were Calder Hart, I would have blown a fuse and immediately have a stern word with the welder. What I think is more worrying is that, for the country’s sake, I hope the welder was not involved in welding at any of the country’s newest jewels put together by Mr. Hart, and possibly, his friends and family. I also pray, for worshipers sake, this welder did not fabricate anything for the church in Gunapo.

The press reported that the police was on the scene within 15 minutes and Mr. Samad was held for questioning for over an hour, the same length of time the Anti Corruption Bureau spent “interrogating” Mr. Hart. The difference between Mr. Hart and Mr. Samad is that Mr. Hart flew back to Miami and Mr. Samad was hopefully released on bail. I am sure when certain Government officials hear about this latest attack on the gate of this outstanding citizen’s home, a fit will be thrown since they may have also used the same welder. Mr. Samad did not resist arrest and went on the tray of the police pickup under police orders which is not an approved or safe way of transporting people. But this is Trinidad and Tobago where lawlessness of Police Officers is as common as dry taps, bush fires and an unfinished billion-dollar stadium.

I think Mr. Samad was brave to do what he did and many citizens, fed up of the Government’s inability to arrest Government’s contempt towards the public, must be proud of Mr. Samad’s actions. Mr. Samad now joins the ranks of Percy Villafana as yet another Citizen Supreme.  The Government will no doubt call Samad’s actions wrong and may even consider it an act of terrorism by those who are now quaking in their boots. What the Government will fail to say and realize is that the actions of Mr. Samad was understandable  given the public’s perception that this Government was the most corrupt in the nation’s history. The public also holds the view this Government will do anything to promote and encourage dishonesty in dealing with the public’s purse. Mr Samad’s actions is not an everyday occurrence and it is as a result of the level of frustration most citizen’s are feeling about what is seen as the intentional mismanagement of the country’s resources for the good of a chosen few.

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We ain’t nothing but hound dogs and we like it so

Hounding – to pursue with or as if with hounds ~ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Trinidad and Tobago is a democratic country where the Government is voted into office and voted out of office by a population who believes manna will fall from Heaven via the Government. In extreme circumstances, when a Government behaves in a hostile and arrogant manner towards the public for a number of years , a Government can be hounded into shame and out of office.  Sometimes Government appointed public officials who enjoy the protection and praise of the Government even after strong evidence points to them doing wrong with the public’s purse, are hounded out of office and into high-priced condos in Miami. In recent times, Government Ministers who are fond of behaving arrogantly and using bullying tactics against the population have spoken out against the principle of hounding because these Ministers are shaking in their boots and high-heels. These Ministers are now widely viewed as being corruption supporters and idiots whereas previously they were simply know as idiots.

The principle of hounding is as old as the hound dog itself and was developed in democratic countries as a tool to prevent democratic leaders from pulling wool over people’s eyes for an extended period of time. Hounding is a form of empowerment and sometimes the only tool the public can use to get redress from oppressive democratically elected leaders who think during their elected period they could mash up the place and build in Guanapo as they see fit. Without the ability to hound, a democratic society might as well become a dictatorship and subject itself to the rule of an Attorney General whose brain and eyebrows are clearly on the dotish side.  Hounding is an essential tool used in democratic countries to keep a country free from oppressive, insane and sometimes, stupid people. Taking  away people’s ability to hound public officials out of office is like taking away people’s ability to wine on Carnival days.

You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog
Cryin’ all the time
You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog
Cryin’ all the time
Well, you ain’t never caught a rabbit
And you ain’t no friend of mine

From the song Hound Dog, written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller

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Pressure Washing Away Trinidad and Tobago

The visible signs of success in Trinidad and Tobago used to be having a big foreign-used car, a thin cell phone and a plane ticket to Miami, but the list just got longer with the addition of the pressure washer. Almost every  household in Trinidad and Tobago now boast a pressure washer with nosy neighbors peeping into yards to see how much moss still resides in their neighbors’ driveways. Most citizens in Trinidad and Tobago consider household moss a serious condition and to some, a condition as serious as Government people awarding Government contracts to family members. Now, when neighbors meet the conversations always start with the new property tax but ends up with a discussion about how much PSI they get from their pressure washers and whether it is gas or electric from Bagwansingh’s. Neighbors with a gas pressure washer feel they have the advantage over those neighbors owning the electric variety since gas makes more impressive noises than the Blimp and  is just as useful in combating crime.

Pressure washers, especially gas washers, are as noisy as lawn mowers and it takes roughly eight hours to pressure wash one driveway and send four neighbors insane. Pressure washers are like cell phones and once you use it you are hooked – it’s like driveway porn. If it were possible for WASA to be disturbed I am sure they would be concerned by the popularity of the pressure washer and the way it uses water without sending up customers’ water bills. Unfortunately, WASA is yet to discover that meters are important in preventing whole day pressure washing episodes which is threatening to become a serious drain on the nation’s water like the Government is on the treasury. When people buy and use air conditioning, they pay T&TEC for the privilege, but when people pressure wash, only the moss and taxpayers pay.

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Upside Down with Frustration – Trinidad and Tobago

Economist Mary King wrote in the Trinidad and Tobago Express on November 30th 2009 “In this recession or whatever, the Government has not reduced its spending to fall in line with its income. Its income from the energy sector was TT$25.7 billion in 2007-2008, TT$11.7 billion in 2008-2009 and is expected to be TT$7.7 billion in 2009-2010.” That is a pay-cut of over 66.667%. She went on to explain that the Government is borrowing TT$ 13 billion to continue its spending habits on, I assume, things like flagpoles, scholarships for the boys and girls and The Chinese.

I am no economist or doubles man but the situation looks bleak and since the Government is more into saying things like “the sky is not falling,” “no Private Jet at this time, check me back after CHOGM,” “So what,”  “we will not go into a recession. The check clear yet?” and “One more Baily bridge, please” I am not hopeful for the country past Ole Years Day. This shortfall of taxes from its main foreign exchange earner along with Ministers who don’t know their butt from their PM, indicates that the TT dollar might soon be worth less, if not worthless. Hops bread will be the new Miami condo.

With the recent revelations about the handing out of scholarships as if the money belonged to a political party, I would say somebody or bodies should be jailed for the rest of their natural life or lives. People are fed up of the incompetence, arrogance, squandermania, favoritism and spitefulness of this Government to the point where people  are now smiling less coherently.

If the price of oil, gas, urea, ammonia and methanol don’t go up substantially and very soon, we will shortly be seeing a Trinidad and Tobago that resembles Curepe Junction on a Saturday morning;  hookers and no police and all.

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The Prime Minister’s Speech – The Missing Pages

pmpmA few pages from PM PM’s speech fell out of his folder as he was walking to the stage to address party supporters at the opening of  a made in China building.  A man who looked like a regular citizen, a man who can’t afford either a house in Miami or sardines in the grocery, found the pages and ran to give PM PM the sheets. PM PM looked around, and as he does with all regular citizens, ignored the man. If PM PM had taken the sheets from the citizen, PM PM’s China speech would have been complete. Here are some excerpts from those missing pages that was leaked like a beauty queen sex tape to this blog:

“My dear friends, as we plunge the country into insurmountable debt and move into a new era of waste and reckless spending, we will see contracts awarded to more and more contractors via UDECOTT, the shining example of my feeling towards the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago – I don’t give a shirt or a slacks. My brothers and sisters, it will happen.

Over the next few months, and well into the future or until your untimely demise, we, the Government, will be collecting taxes from citizens like never before.  The property tax will be improved so as to give the Government more and more funds to take care of San Fernando Hill, UDECOTT contractors and urgent flag poles. It will happen, my dear friends. It will happen. As you slowly crawl or sail in and out of Port of Spain on a daily basis, we, the Government, will be hoisting even more and bigger flags around the City that you will be able to see from as far as the Bailey bridge in Macoya, and on a clear day, our Golden Grove Prison. My dear friends, you tell me what is the cost of the National Pride you feel while sitting for hours in traffic or while being robbed at the Beetham, Mt. D’or, Penal Rock Road or San Fernando Hill knowing there is a big flag close by? I, not you, my brothers and sisters, know the true cost of National Pride and I have it right here in my back pocket. Suck it in, my dear friends. Suck it in.

My growing numbers of detractors have been saying many nasty things about my kidney and Hart and I want to assure you, My Dear Friends, my kidney is functioning well but my Hart is simply the best. Those of you who have been undergoing increased frustrations due to increased crime, corruption at the licensing office, incompetence at the passport offices,  a National Security Minister without a clue, and a Minister of Works who, despite knowing it all, accomplishes very little to ease your daily frustrations, I say to you, my brothers and sisters, Steups.”

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Hot Hops Bread and The Private Jet from God

cartoon_private_jetMaybe it’s public mischief again but a big man from Boeing probably visited TnT to negotiate the new fleet for Caribbean Airlines, and hardly likely also one private jet on the side. With the public support for the government flagging, this may appear to be the wrong time to buy a luxury such as a private jet or a big flag. Is it, really?

This Government has been smarter and more righteous than most give them credit for. If the country buys that much needed pro-green, private jet at recession prices then the right economic signal will be sent. It will signal the start of a new round of much-needed high wage demands and the buying of big screen TVs with surround sound speakers in Miami. It will also signal the start of another economic boom, massive employment opportunities, foreign exchange availability, aluminum and no more layoffs. It will, however, mainly signal the start of spending on luxury food items like powdered-milk, sardines and crusty hops bread from St. Mary’s Bakery in Curepe.  PM PM promised the country manna from heaven (aka hot hops bread) during the last elections and if, God Willing,  he has to get a Private Jet to fly it in, then so be it. I want my manna now!

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Tax is a Citizen’s Best Friend

taxesWhenever taxes are increased or new ones created people fuss, forgetting taxes are paid by the people, to the people, for the people. Taxes are used to run a country not ruin it and without taxes like personal income tax, VAT, import duty, corporation tax, oil, gas and property taxes we would have poor health services, a high murder rate, traffic jams, corrupt leaders, clogged courts and tall empty buildings built in one location due to the fragile ego of an incompetent leader. Without taxes we would have frustrated citizens accessing basic services like collecting January CXC forms for stupid children, applying for passports, getting “free” health care, parking, and foreign exchange at the banks. Taxes are for the good of the people and not for businessmen to buy apartments in Miami or BMWs for the Johnny-come-lately contractors who support the ruling party and nothing else. Taxes are increased by Governments not to tax the people but because the Government loves the people and needs more to do even less.  Without taxes there is no power and without power it’s harder to get away with stealing, or as Jumbie rightly said, ‘tiefing.’

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Bee In Flight

Bee in Flight

Bee in Flight

A Trinidad bee flies in search of pollen and lower property taxes.

I probably will not be able to get better than a 5×7 print from this shot because I didn’t use a real macro 50 mm lens.  This photo was taken in my yard in St. Augustine. My yard and house will soon be taxed at a fair rate and I am eager to pay my part for the condo in Miami and Alutrint.

The first signs of economic collapse are not only the increase in taxes and zaboca thiefing but in condo buying in foreign.

Until next weekend.

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Trinidad and Tobago Budget 2010 and Other Money Matters

Trinidad and Tobago - Port of Spain -1The Heritage and Stabilization Fund

The Heritage and Stabilization Fund of Trinidad and Tobago, or fondly called the National Piggybank, is like a hundred dollar bill and once you break it, it may disappear in Miami. The fund is fortunately controlled by law and a five member Board with proven competence in the fields of finance, investment, economics, business management or law, including an officer of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance. Non-supporters of PM PM or critics of Early CL Financial Withdrawals by those who knew will not normally be considered for membership to this five-member Board regardless of competence in the stated fields. However,  an exception will be made for those who have a yacht and high-rise apartment in Miami bought with deadly and sensual money.

The Trinidad and Tobago International Financial Centre

Tall Building Port of Spain Trinidad-1The Trinidad and Tobago International Financial Centre or The Real Central Bank will be launched soon now that the South terminal at Piarco International Airport has been upgraded to the standards demanded by the Important but Greedy People Who Want to Get Their Hands on Our Funds and also now that the top of Number One Woodbrook Place can be seen by all common people even on a cloudy, and floodless day. Big names with private jets and helicopters and who can pass the litmus integrity test set by our President of Integrity and nasal tones are practically banging The Minister of Finance‘s Door to get into the TTIFC. According to a report in the Trinidad Guardian on May 14th 2009, the clientele of the TTIFC will be persons who own private jets, whose currency is time and they have to maximise use of their time. “So private jets are not a luxury but a necessity for people like that.” If they could have a private jet who is he to not.

Budget for 2010

Trinidad Helicopter-1The Budget for 2010 will be  unleashed in Parliament tomorrow and in keeping with developed nation wannabe status there will be no excessive spending except for the excessive spending was committed to in back rooms some time ago. Both the rich man and the poor people with Audis and BMWs will be asked to pay more at the pump which will make pumping even more expensive. An Obama-type tax on the rich will be introduced but not to better the lot of the poor. This new Trini-tax will help fund the shortfall in kickbacks due to the recession and also facilitate vital social programs like reelection of the ruling party and helicopters. The Budget 2010 will see words of caution, hope and as usual, will have plenty Hart.

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Hello Money, Money, Money

trinidad and tobago money_550Dear aka_lol,

You have just been awarded, £750,000,00 GBP in the TOYODA AWARD, send us your info for claims



Soon, very, very soon aka would be saying good bye to all the small and poor people, and hello to the big and better people. My luck has finally changed and it had to do more with saying the right prayer in the right way than getting something from a government contract from an undisclosed contact. My wealth will not be based on raiding casino vaults or the bribing of officials to allow my shipments through. My wealth will not even come from laundering with a grocery or stabbing for a Blackberry. My wealth will come from above via Gmail.

Now that I almost have the wealth I can look for a high-rise apartment in Miami since nobody with any sense and money want to live in this hell-hole, especially if you win a lottery or into big robbery. I now know what it feels like to be rich – independent of this land of Commission of Enquiry. Now that I have some money I could set up a little company and rub the bigwigs’ shoulders. I have to let them know my one-day-old company could build box drain, cut grass and build overpass. This will be just the foreplay before I screw the country. So what if people live in water in a shed. Is it my fault they poor and live to dead?  Well, ok, maybe one day I will give the poor a little thing but only if ah sure God looking.

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Producing Productivity in Trinidad and Tobago

productivity-chartProductivity – A country’s productivity is usually measured by the country’s GDP per hours worked.

GDP – Measuring GDP is complicated (which is why we leave it to the economists), but at its most basic, the calculation can be done in one of two ways: either by adding up what everyone earned in a year (income approach), or by adding up what everyone spent (expenditure method). Logically, both measures should arrive at roughly the same total. ~ Investopedia

Productivity isn’t everything but in the end it is almost everything. A country’s ability to improve its standard of living over time depends almost entirely on its ability to raise its output per worker. ~ Paul Krugman

Short skirts in the workplace has been shown to boost productivity by boosting attendance. ~ aka_lol

productivity cartoonPrime Minister Patrick Manning said the country’s productivity has been falling for the last five years and though I didn’t have the figures to prove it I had a gut feeling it was so since everybody I knew was either stuck in traffic or flood during productive times.  The Prime Minister is saying we citizens were being paid more and more over those five years but we produced less and less. I feel a sense of shame because of this. What The Prime Minister didn’t say was people were being paid more and more for one of several reasons –  to avoid starvation due to inflation, to go apartment shopping in Miami or to help win elections. The Prime Minister also said in his speech to launch the Productivity Council that citizens must work harder and come to work on time – the answers are always so simple.

productivitySo we need to produce more corn curls, Crix and painted stones (aka GDP) per man per hour.  How we in Trinidad and Tobago achieve more productivity will not be easy since UDECOTT is already spending efficiently and the new helicopters will produce more than just dust in we face. The Parliamentarians are taking the lead and agreed to a much deserved wage freeze but will produce more hot air in return. All these efforts must be commended but I am mostly hoping the 15-man Productivity Council has enough productive members to produce a productive report worth producing at a competitive price.

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Hurricane Names for 2009 – Including Hurricane Bill


2009 Hurricane Names

By the time you read this blog post, if you ever read it, Hurricane Bill might be a category 4 or 5, which means your house, land, car, Julie mango tree, and love life would be in serious danger if hit by such a hurricane. The good news is that Bill is not going to seriously affect any land masses or insurance companies. Update 19th August, 2009 @601 p.mBill is now a categoery 4 and may affect Bermuda, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland.

I did some research using Google, not Bing, and came up with a list of Hurricane/Storm names to be used in 2009. As usual, the names may offend some while numbing others into sleepy indifference. I doubt my name will ever be used for a Hurricane since Hurricane Aka sounds placid and even good looking. I list the names for the season below along with comments frivolous comments.

  • Ana – I know a couple Anas and who knows if they can be stormy. But all women go through the phase Depression, Storm, Hurricane, and in just five minutes.
  • Bill – I know a William who is never called Bill or pays it. Brilliant Hurricane name – Kill Bill
  • Claudette – I don’t think I ever knew one even in a novel
  • Danny – I know a Danny and he is the least destructive person I know when not drinking
  • Erika – Nope, no Ericas except for Eric’s daughter but I know a couple mild Erics
  • Fred – Yes, I know one Fred who is German and would take great offence if he only knew. I will let him know.
  • Grace – I know a young Grace and a Grace who is a bit older.
  • Henri – I know one Henry but no Henri
  • Ida – I da think so
  • Joaquin – Nope, not a name I could associate outside of Mr. Pheonix. Who names a baby or a Hurricane Joaquin? A Mexican.
  • Kate – As strange as it may sound, I don’t think I ever knew a Kate
  • Larry – Yes, I knew one Larry from high school but it’s not a popular Trinidad name or ever will be since Larry Gomes stopped making runs. It will never be used for a Hurricane after this year. I was a mistake
  • Mindy – Yes, but she was a cat. A real cat.
  • Nicholas – Everybody in Trinidad and Tobago knows at least two boys and one man called Nicholas.
  • Odette – Sounds Old English and not a name I would call a child.
  • Peter – I know one Peter too many
  • Rose – I know a Rose but an old one.  A bit thorny.
  • Sam – Sam the man and the woman I know
  • Teresa – Yep, know a couple girls called Teresa and it’s a very popular Venezuelan, Colombian ,Miami and Baratarria name.
  • Victor – I am sure I knew a Victor but I am trying to remember who he was. Maybe a sales rep.
  • Wanda – Crap, I know a Wanda but she is hardly a storm. More like a Depression.
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Trinidad and Tobago – What a Bloody Mess


When Trinidad and Tobago police raided the new St. Joseph Police Station and found guns, ammo, and drugs stashed away in the ceiling the price of a Blackberry ran through my mind. How would a Police Officer ever be able to afford a Blackberry for his girlfriend, especially if his wife is monitoring his paycheck and the sex is good? Then someone pointed out ceiling contactors sometimes leave their stuff behind and usually can’t remember which ceiling they left their guns and weed.

This latest find by the Police is an attempt to clean up the Service and must be commended. Or should it be? This raid at the St. Joseph Police station may not be what it appears and may be a fight for turf among rival gun-renting police gangs. What this raid does for public confidence in the Service is to destroy confidence even further because for every police gang uncovered Mr. Public feels there are twenty more undiscovered.

crowbarI feel sorry for Martin Joseph because the tools he has to work with are as defective as the PM kindness genes. Nobody is safe in Trinidad and Tobago since the agency that is responsible for maintaining law and order is showing the public a face which says we are corrupt to the bone. The Service even tried to hit the PM, according to the PM. Two Chinese nationals working at a Casino in Port of Spain were brutally beaten with a crowbar by a gang of men who will probably never be arrested because crime detection is not part of police culture and all Trinis look the same to the investigators. The bloodied Chinese men were shown on TV and it depicted the future of our country. The public is beginning to feel The space suit men and women seen at various crime scenes on the news as Seven are there for show since they too are, no doubt, part of the illustrious Protect and Serve Gang of Thieves.

I am not being unfair and I expressing typical public outrage and hopelessness over the crime situation. Sure, there are good police officers but do you know who they are? I don’t.  Just as I waited for the Blimp to keep crime at bay, I am and now more that hopeful the interceptor boats and helicopters will protect us in the future. But this will only happen if the Service is run by the Calder Hart. Another apartment in Miami will be a small price to pay to a patriotic CEO who has the ability to love the PM more than Rowley can. Do Mr. Hart and other patriotic businessmen who drain the Country’s foreign exchange to buy their real homes in Miami not know they are helping devalue our dollar? Do they not see this as also a crime?

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