The New Carnival Mentality

Trinidad CarnivalFor too long the term Carnival Mentality was used in a very derogatory manner to describe the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. When someone is described as possessing a Carnival Mentality it means that person is lazy, carefree, unproductive, promiscuous and prone to smiling too much while having the ability to enjoy oneself in the most genuine of ways. It meant the person or country with this mentality can achieve nothing meaningful in life even though they showed true signs of real happiness. I might have agreed with this statement several years ago but I can’t anymore.

Trinidad and Tobago is now a world Carnival powerhouse and to do so requires the country to be productive all year as such an event can not be created in a couple months. Carnival involves so many people from nearly all sectors effectively planning and producing in now what seems like second nature to the country.

The organizational abilities to pull off one small all-inclusive fete are tremendous much less the big ones like Beach House, Brian Lara, Moka and UWI. The Carnival big bands like Bliss, Fantasy, Harts, Island People and Yuma are now million dollar companies operating throughout the year and survive and grow using prudent and innovative business skills and not laziness as previously advertised.

The musical talent which Carnival produces is nothing short of mind boggling and I wonder if it was not for Carnival would there be so much young people taking pan, guitar, keyboard and violin lessons in Trinidad and Tobago? Machel Montano and Machel Monday is now a worldwide phenomenon which not only shows off musical talent but professionalism both on stage and behind the scenes. This is not a one man show but it involves hundreds working in sync towards the goal of perfection and a properly working sound system. This concert is nothing short of exceptional in terms of planning, organizing and enjoyment.

The Carnival Mentality has now given rise to the growth of the fitness and health obsessed in Trinidad and Tobago. These individuals are increasing in numbers yearly. The obsessed and not so obsessed now frequent gyms and reduce bar visits and hence drunkenness simply to look dynamite in a carnival costume. Sadly, this does give rise to highly egoistic people with a craving for tight clothes and loose eyes.

Carnival also drives the detractors to buying more books and it has produced a few book worms who are hopefully more beneficial to society than the scantily clad but the world needs the scanty just as much for it gives life purpose. The bookworms and noise-phobic make every effort to avoid the hedonist who revel and ogle at the revelers. It is only because of this Carnival Mentality they can now boast about their sense of moral superiority. You always need the bad to make the good look and feel better.

Without Carnival and the new Mentality it produces we would be just be another island in the sun selling rabid boredom to the rabidly boring.

Miss Trinidad & Tobago 2012 Universe – Avionne Mark

Miss Universe Trinidad & Tobago 2012 - Avionne Mark

Miss Universe Trinidad & Tobago 2012 – Avionne Mark

I didn’t see the Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe show last Sunday and I do find nearly all the girls attractive and hard to judge from web photos alone. This is only made worse by a frustratingly low-definition broadcast from TV6.  What matters in the end though is how contestants are able to sway the minds of judges on the night with a lot of walk and a little talk. In the photo above, photographer Gary Jordan is able to show his amazing ability and beauty of Avionne Mark, the winner of Miss  Trinidad & Tobago 2012 Universe. She already has the Cover Girl effect.

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Amanda Chedu – Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe 2012 Hopeful

Amanda Chedu

Amanda Chedu

I am recommending that photos  of Amanda Chedu replace the standard eye chart at the opticians’ in order to encourage men to have their vision checked regularly. The only problem will be  that even a blind man can see this girl is more than very pretty.  Amanda Chedu is a Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe 2012 hopeful and a perfect example of what happiness in a man’s brain would look like.
Amanda Chedu

Amanda Chedu

Amanda Chedu

Amanda Chedu

Amanda Chedu

Amanda Chedu

Amanda Chedu

Amanda Chedu

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Sheneille Leelah – Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe Hopeful 2012

Sheneille Leelah

Sheneille Leelah

Sheneille Leelah might be hopeful of winning Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe 2012 but I am almost sure 99.99% of the world female population is still hopeful that they can look even half as good in a bikini as Miss Leelah. According to a Google search, the name  Leelah is Arabic in origin and means “night beauty” but Sheneille Leelah looks amazing regardless of time of day and color of boxing gloves.

Sheneille Leelah

Sheneille Leelah

Sheneille Leelah

Sheneille Leelah

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Sarah Jane Waddell – Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe 2012 Hopeful

Sarah Jane Waddell

Sarah Jane Waddell is, according to Facebook:

“Public Figure – Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe 2012 hopeful– ready to represent her country on the world stage!”
There is  not much more to say as pictures of Sarah Jane Waddell can leave a man speechless but in a happy way. I am not saying she will win since I don’t know how she will respond to questions where the best answers will be among the following replies – (a) World Peace, (b) Poverty Eradication, (c) Nelson Mandela, (d) Tim Goopeesingh. But on a very serious note, these photos make Sarah Jane Waddell look like a real winner.
When I stumble on photos of the other contestants I will post them similarly.

Sarah Jane Waddell

Sarah Jane Waddell

Sarah Jane Waddell-Retro

Sarah Jane Waddell Retro Look

Sarah Jane Waddell - Bikini

Sarah Jane Waddell – Bikini

Sarah Jane Waddell - Bikini

Sarah Jane Waddell – Bikini

Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2012

Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2012

Photos to End With

Trinidad Carnival 2007Ever notice when somebody dies tragically the photo that makes the newspapers is from the victim’s driver’s permit, ID card, or passport; all photographic nightmares. To me, it’s tragic enough someone died terribly but why does the press see the need to humiliate the victim and the victim’s loved ones further with such a photograph. It’s like throwing salt in Diet Coke.

Since the reporters and editors are part human, part stone, part insensitive I want to suggest everybody carry in their wallets a good photo displaying their most flattering photographic side and label the photo “Just in case.” If you are not an attractive person, have the photo altered with Photoshop. If Photoshop fails, see a plastic surgeon, or cheaper yet, carry a photo of a better looking person instead but not so good looking as to arouse suspicion.  The aim is to make the public feel sorry you passed, not glad you left the world to make it a prettier place.

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Making Movies and Movies Made in Trinidad and Tobago


Trinidad and Tobago has many things going for it as an ideal location for making movies apart from  rebates and government bureaucracy. Some of these advantages are highlighted in the Trinidad and Tobago Film Company’s website. Along with  The Film Company, I want to remind moviemakers that we have waterfalls to West Mall, board houses to board Chairmen’s houses. We have mountain greenery to bulldozed greenery. We have a few toy guns and many real ones. We have some tomato ketchup but plenty real blood. We have new tall buildings and flattened squatters shacks. We have people sleeping on Serta mattresses and people sleeping on the streets. We have millstones in Parliament and a pretty Mayor in Chaguanas. We have an irrelevant clown-criminal as Opposition Leader and a real pompous fool as a Prime Minister.

What the Film Company has left out, or I didn’t see, in the website is our uniquely beautiful women who should be given more exposure than just Carnival or in some poorly designed website. I don’t know how successful the Film Company is in getting movies made in sweet Trinidad and Tobago but I wish them success since we have much more to offer than their website or travel advisories would suggest.

backlashUsing IMDB, I made a list of movies where Trinidad and Tobago is the main, or only filming location. There are many other movies which list Trinidad and Tobago as one of the filming locations but the country was only a minor location. I saw some of the newer movies but none of the older ones.  I assume Mystic Masseur was the movie with the biggest budget since it was based on a V.S. Naipaul’s novel, directed by the late Ismail Merchant and had former financial wizard turned cocoa farmer and alcohol industry fan, Lawrence Duprey, as one of the executive producers.

Here is a list of movies made with Trinidad and Tobago as the main filming location:

Rebel Heart (2009)

Contract Killers (2008)

Backlash (2006)

SistaGod (2006)

The Mystic Masseur (2001)

Flight of the Ibis (1996)

Men of Gray (1990)

The Last Island (1990)

Girl from India (1982)

Bim (1974)

Operation Makonaima (1974)

The Right and The Wrong (1970)

Fire Down Below (1957)

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Discrimination Based on Beauty

I am here for the interview

I am here for the interview - when can I start

There is a picture of a pretty girl on the front page of the job section in a newspaper today. This girl will be employed at the drop of a feather and it doesn’t matter how padded her resume is, or how well she blows her interview.

Pretty girls are always employed before plain looking ones and you only have to look around most offices to prove this. Hundreds of papers and articles on beauty discrimination  have been written by mainly not so good looking women. These jilted women are crying discrimination and are calling for a level playing field and not a big chest. Psychologist claim the bias towards beauty is caused by the halo effect where beauty is automatically associated with intelligence, competence and a good time. “Never underestimate the ‘halo effect,'” says Janice Guler, Ceridian’s director of staffing. “Attractive people are assumed to be intelligent and successful, and it’s been said that as many as 50 percent of managers make their hiring decisions within the first 30 seconds of setting eyes on an applicant. While this is unfortunate, it’s human nature. People have a real tendency to trust their gut, rather than trusting the empirical data.” But less attractive women are also employed since somebody has to do the work and do it well. The less attractive is normally the engine that runs successful companies but the beautiful are always more fun to have around.

An after work Friday lime with the boss

An after work Friday lime with the boss

Some employers facing beauty-discrimination lawsuits are training their managers in the art of  ignoring beauty but short skirts and tight tops are proving hard to defeat. HR Departments are making interviewers aware of  beauty bias but some managers insist life is too short to go ugly.

It’s unfair to ask pretty girls to be attractive, and to strut their stuff from desk, to copier, to the boss’s desk plus do work. It is just too stressful and the last thing anybody wants to do is to stress the beautiful. It’s almost a sin. I am not saying pretty girls are not competent but nobody notices or cares. That is probably another curse of the beautiful.

Beauty or Brains – Why Men Must Matter, I Hope

Freida Pinto

Freida Pinto

Freida Pinto, the Slumdog Millionaire sensation, was recently quoted as saying she wants to be more than just a pretty face. Freida Pinto may have read this blog some weeks ago which could be the reason for her recent statement. (If Rihanna and Sir Allen could read my blog why not Freida). Freida is lucky in that she is already known for more than her beauty and is also recognized for her talent and presence.

This blog recently conducted a survey where several women on the streets, in offices and in washrooms were asked if they would prefer to be beautiful or to be bright. Nearly all the women I approached asked if they could be both while several more called the police. I had to stress to the willing women it was either beauty or brains, since they were not men. The survey results showed 9 out of 10 women choose beauty. This is not surprising since the desire for women to be beautiful and be noticed has generated a multi-billion dollar industry with First World women probably spending more on anti-wrinkle creams than on the elimination of world hunger.

Ugly Betty

Ugly Betty

The modern woman is not like the ancient woman who would rather be admired on a pedestal while being fed grapes than consulted on world affairs or a cure for herpes. The modern woman wants to be sexy, beautiful and a professional. The enrollment of women in tight jeans and short skirts at universities now outweigh the enrollment of both beer-drinking and eligible males combined. The average woman in 2009 is now attractive, intelligent and pompous. The average woman no longer needs a man in her life to buy her grapes or underwear and makes he own decisions like which man to dump and which man to run over with her car in both directions. To the modern man, the modern woman is intimidating but even more attractive because of her aggression. Some men like it rough.

Men are no longer in great demand by women and this has not been easy for men to accept. Men were brought up to believe the King was the boss but the Queen was in charge. Men never fought this amusing role and played along out of fear of being nagged. Men are now no longer even Kings and are merely being used for sex by women when convenient. This sucks. Men were never meant to be used by women and this cannot go on for too much longer. I am writing this blog post in desperation and  hoping all demoralized men would read it and rally together to regain our rightful place in The Universe and in bed. Men, say no to being trampled on but mostly say no to convenient sex at those uhgodly hours.

Desirable, Sexy, and Beautiful Women

Eva Mendes

Eva Mendes

Are there differences between a desirable, a sexy and a beautiful woman? Crudely speaking and according to definition, if a woman is desirable to a man it means the man wishes to possess the woman. The definition doesn’t go on to say what the man wishes to do with the woman once he takes possession. It could be for housework or some other sexist activity such as being an ornament. Sexy, on the other hand, is a form of desire and is very specific about the nature of the desire. When a man uses the word sexy to describe a woman people understand the nature of that person’s lust or depravity. Then there are those men who seldom use the words desirable or sexy and instead use the word beautiful to describe women in public. These men are typically timid or well-mannered and don’t speak of women as objects of desire or sex. They look at women in a more holistic way and picture how a woman may look in an evening gown, behind an ironing board or even beating a rug. These men think of themselves as sophisticated and rarely eyeball women in public but they do eyeball on the Internet.

Eva Mendes has been voted as the most desirable woman for 2009 by I didn’t vote and find all this talk about desirable and sexy and beautiful to be too commercial for my liking. It all entertainment and an I sure if you look on the streets of Port of Spain on Carnival Monday and Tuesday you may see more desirable, sexy and beautiful women than those being proposed by those clever Internet Buzz makers.


Gabrielle Walcott – Beauty With a Purpose

Gabrielle Walcott - The Difference Is Obvious
Gabrielle Walcott – The Difference Is Obvious

The population of Russia is 141,377,752 and the population of India is 1,027,015,247 but the population of Trinidad and Tobago is only 1,305,028.3. Not withstanding the enormous population advantage of Russia and India, Trinidad and Tobago managed to place third in the Miss World competition for 2008. To be quite honest, if you look at the photo above the average person can clearly see Miss Trinidad and Tobago, Gabrielle Walcott, is more beautiful than either Miss Russia or Miss India. I am not suggesting the judges were blind, or suffered from Big Country Syndrome but I could not understand how Miss Walcott was placed in any position but first. Fortunately all was not lost and Gabrielle Walcott was crowned Miss Beauty With a Purpose. Very well done!

Gabrielle Walcott Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2008
Gabrielle Walcott Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2008
Gabrielle Walcott - Hypnotic
Gabrielle Walcott – Hypnotic

Gabrielle Walcottgabrielle_walcott_1gabrielle_walcott_32

Gabrielle Walcott

Gabrielle Walcott - Gorgeous

Gabrielle Walcott - Simply Stunning

Gabrielle Walcott – Simply Stunning
Gabrielle Walcott
Gabrielle Walcott

This Blog voted for Miss Walcott and this Blog congratulates Miss Walcott on her tremendous accomplishments. This Blog also understands that several Big Countries will be sending their contestants to train in Trinidad and Tobago ahead of the Miss World and Miss Universe 2009 competitions due to the favorable local conditions that produce beauties. This Blog makes no further comment for now.

A Necessary Beauty

A butterfly from St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago hopes the photographer would hurry up since life is short.

A butterfly from St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago hopes the photographer would hurry up since life is short.

The caterpillar does all the work but the butterfly gets all the publicity.  ~Attributed to George Carlin

Trying to get a butterfly to pose for a picture is harder than getting some icons to wear underwear. There is very little one can say about butterflies other they fly and land on flowers that no lens is focused on. Butterflies are intelligent creatures and use this intelligence to get editors and some low-grade bloggers to publish photos of them standing on various flowers. Butterflies are like celebrities in that they run from the camera but love to be photographed. I suppose butterflies, like women, also know that anything that is too easy to get is hardly appreciated.

Apart form making great photographs, butterflies have another purpose, and that purpose is to pollinate flowers. I don’t think butterflies are too aware of this important function and the modern day butterfly is more concerned with looking good and becoming the next centerfold in National Geographic Magazine than pollination.  Without butterflies the photography world, and many photographers would be poorer. Photographers may even have to invest heavily in makeup to get mosquitoes and bachacs to look as alluring. Some people suggest that butterflies are like many things beautiful, subjective and unnecessary. I agree that beauty can be subjective and in the eyes of the beholder but when beauty is absolutely beautiful it goes beyond the eyes and becomes, for some strange reason, absolutely necessary.

The Quest For The Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio

The girl who cuts my hair is attractive but hardly smiles when she has a scissors in her hand. I don’t know if this is good or bad but I wish I knew. She has the intensity of a surgeon and the looks of a short and pretty model. Her hair always looks different every time I visit but I like the red and the green.

I am not too fussy about how my hair is cut but rather who cuts my hair and how she looks in jeans. For a man, getting a haircut from an attractive woman is the most fun he can have while sitting in one position. Attractive hairdressers with ample bosoms is not the only reason I am glad I am not bald, but also the girls who are in the hair salon waiting or dying. Some girls look quite good in aluminum foil while others have their legs, lips and brows waxed in a different chamber. Waxing used to be considered a form of torture in the olden days, but now it is considered necessary if one is to remain competitive.

To some extent, beauty is in the mind of the beholder, but there are visible ratios in women and objects that are considered more appealing than others making beauty mainly biological rather than cultural. This ratio is called the Golden Ratio. To beautify is to make beautiful by adjusting the objects’ ratio until golden, or as close as possible to golden. This is where the phrase “You struck gold with that one” came from. The Quest For The Golden Ratio also gave rise to diets, gyms, cosmetic surgery and Dr. Phil. If I greet a woman who is attractive I say Happy to see you. If she is not I say Greetings from Planet Earth. I mean what I say in both cases but what I never say to any woman is You look like the right ratio.

In a follow up to this blog post I will try to come to terms with beauty and the brain.