Carib and Stag – More Than Just Girls

More than just beer

More than just beer

Despite beer being brewed to perfection in Trinidad and Tobago at Carib Brewery in Champs Fleurs for decades, it only becomes real beer when served at the right temperature with peppered channa and that essential ingredient called our near perfect women. Some say if the Carib and Stag girls were discontinued, men would stop drinking beer and turn to meditation.

For countless years tourism, and in a few cases, a tourist, has taken a beating in Trinidad and Tobago. Because of poor marketing, poor work ethics, and career criminals we are constantly in treadmill mode in our attempts to woo visitors to our version of paradise. To get tourists to come to Trinidad and Tobago we would have to change our international image by highlighting our efficient policing efforts, preserve old buildings, ensure poison-free rivers and beaches, keep cobeauxs and crayfish alive and of course, highlight our diversely beautiful women using beer and blogs.

Like Crix, doubles, and commissions of inquiries, Carib and Stag have become true icons of our country but Carib and Stag have leaped to the head of the line with their marketing girls. There probably is a high turnover of these girls as shelf life can be short but the effect remains constant despite frequent changes.

The pictures that appeared on this blog were taken from the Carib Brewery website and Facebook pages.

Two facts about Carib and Stag in Trinidad and Tobago:

  • On May 16th 1950 Carib beer was first brewed
  • On Carnival Friday 1973 Stag beer was first brewed “in a 275ml A-line amber bottle. In the following year, its packaging moved to a 6 inch, 250ml green bottle”
Stag Beer Girls

Stag Beer Girls


Carib Girls

Carib Girls

Carib Girls Carib Girls 2


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Sherlyn Chopra is Getting Naked Soon

Sherlyn Chopra at the Playboy Magazine Press Conference

Sadly, I didn’t know who Sherlyn Chopra was until I read in the August 13th issue of Newsweek that she will be “the first Indian woman to be photographed unclothed for Playboy magazine.” Being a man, I understand the term “unclothed in Playboy” to mean tastefully nude as compared to  vulgarly naked but what is one man’s tastefulness is another woman’s vulgarity.

Sherlyn Chopra was originally known as Mona Chopra and is, according to Wikipedia, a model, singer and actress and possibly also a Bollywood sensation. With the aid of Google I discovered that Sherlyn Chopra is an amazingly beautiful and sexy woman thus I see nothing wrong with her wanting to share nearly all her beauty with the world. I wish her all the best in her efforts to make it big in the very competitive world of the-cat-will-eat-all-dog world of female celebrities. Sherlyn might be criticized by the usual self-proclaimed moral ones but she is actually beating the path to worldwide popularity for many more Bollywood actresses to actually shine internationally rather than to imply they shine.

Playboy is in the business of male happiness and they have been making every effort to give men something different  to be happy about every month. I believe Playboy Magazine also carries articles written by famous authors to give observers the impression that men can read picture books.  Playboy Magazine was developed by a brilliant team of male scientists who figured out that men have a thing for nude women and a bigger thing for naked ones.

In the world of female celebrities exposure is everything and the more that is exposed the better. Sherlyn will appear and be exposed in the November 2012 issue of Playboy which will be a memorable one as it will be saved both on ruggedized memory sticks and under mattresses by the millions of real men of this world.

Sherlyn Chopra

Sherlyn Chopra

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Trinidad Carnival 2012 – Photos

Trinidad Carnival 2012 - A Carnival Cup

I don’t have much time for blogging these days because I am very busy with house repairs and hard-to-avoid cousins vacationing in Trinidad. However, those who keep track of  must have noticed two Trinidad Carnival 2012 photo albums. Taking photographs during Carnival Monday and Tuesday has always been fun and difficult with the biggest challenges being thick crowds, midday sun and the price of beer. Because of a reduction in my Carnival inspiration this year and being followed by irritating cousins, I took less photos. Nevertheless, here are the links to the two Trinidad Carnival 2012 photo albums. One is iPad friendly and one is not.

Album 1

Album 2

I suppose it is only the well trained observer who can see how much Carnival has changed over the years.

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Promotional Video for Trinidad and Tobago

A good friend sent me this Youtube link some days ago and I love it. Naturally, like all good promotional videos, it stresses only on the good and marketable. So with this being the time of year when Trinidad and Tobago can be sold the easiest to both the homesick locals and  and the foreigner, Come to Trinidad and Tobago videos are making the rounds for free. Except for too much pepper in some doubles and straying down some no-no streets alone at night, Trinidad and Tobago will present no exceptional challenges to the average tourist on an average tour.

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Coca-Cola – the shape that matters


Coca-Cola glass bottle

Coca-Cola Bottle - the shape that men prefer

There is something about the sight of the glass Coca-Cola bottle which makes men even more thirsty. Some say it’s the well-proportioned curves which drive the male brain into a state of fondness while others say it’s because many find pint-sized does matter.

Coca-Cola Girl - Trinidad and Tobago

Coca-Cola, the real thing plus the undisputed king of fizz and froth, also comes in the “massive” or 20 ounce bottle which is popular because it seems to never end despite countless sips and gulps. Unfortunately, to real cola men, the massive doesn’t have the same attraction as the curvy glass bottle and I think it’s for biological reasons. The problem with the initial massive-shaped bottle design was that it easily slipped if the hand was greasy from KFC, curry drippings or even excess doubles oil. This defect did not escape the Coco-Cola bottle engineers and after many years of intense research, came up with the patented Grip which to the non-bottle engineer seems to be just some mindless studs placed like an afterthought at the grippable portion of the bottle. The Coca-Cola marketing department claimed via several full-page ads that these studs afforded a better grip even to the novice guzzler with greasy hands.

Coca-Cola is the real thing and despite some other cola being sold at TT$2.00 in an attempt to gain more market share of the lucrative sugar water industry, Coke will survive because it is the shape, not the sugar, that shaped our minds.



Italy Bottoms out of World Cup

Ferrari Babe

So the Pasta Players, aka World Cup Champs, have gone the way of France and burnt tomato paste. Not only did the Italians lose with great humiliation to the Slovaks 3 to 2 but they finished at the bottom of their group and below New Zealand, a country that is more famous for sheep and the Kiwi Fruit than football.  Even the USA was able to pull a late extra time goal to advance to the Second Stage so it will be difficult for the Berlusconi Boys to explain to their countrymen why they went from Hero to Zero faster than Berlusconi can lift a skirt.

I am not one to say “It good for them” but that is how many World Cup fans in the countries that didn’t qualify for the World Cup feel about big shot teams except Brazil. At least that is how I feel since I am always one for the underdog except maybe the US who is a big underdog that doesn’t encourage sympathy in much of the Third World.  I will let the Italian blogs and press deal with the Italian team and their coach while I quietly celebrate via this blog post in an office full of pseudo-Italians from Trinidad and Tobago.

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My Trinidad Shoelace Saga

A shoelace Mini Skirt

It is difficult to imagine how this country will achieve our Vision 2020 when in 2010 nearly all shoe stores in Westmall and Grand Bazaar don’t sell shoelaces for any shoes except some replacement laces for those ugly, white sneaker forced onto high school teens experiencing puberty.  What was even worse was most of the shoe store owners, managers, sales clerks and/or account executives expressed indifference to my plight of having a broken shoe lace for a relatively new pair of shoes.  “Yuh does eat yuh lace or what” one sexually unattractive woman snickered. “Buy another shoe” a cute sales girl wearing a man-friendly short skirt, recommended. But my shoes are in almost good condition and being a man, I have to wait for the heel to fall out twice before I think about replacing them.

Nice Laces

The point isn’t about the state of my shoes or the fact they are one year old Hush Puppies from Colorado but the level of contempt the selling class have for the buying class. A shoe store not stocking shoe laces is similar to Bobby’s in Bamboo not stocking windscreens or a doubles man not having extra channa to fix a leaking doubles. But we, the pushover-ready customers, simply walk out the stores with a smile instead of smashing a shop window then raising bail like Ishmael Samad might have done to make a point.

Nice feet means nice head

The citizens of this country put up with too much nonsense from those who should provide the level of service we want but we are too shy to ask. In Trinidad and Tobago we don’t ever get what we want, we just gobble up with a smile whatever leftover crumbs store owners decide to throw in our pens.

p.s. I got replacement shoe laces from Amazon and I bought three pairs of black, waxed  Kiwi shoe laces at US$0.91 per pair plus US$4.90 shipping. They were shipped yesterday and should be in the country by the end of next week.

p.s The pictures included have nothing to do with male shoe laces but was provided as entertainment for men with, and without broken shoelaces.

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Trinidad Carnival Girls

I think these girls go well with the music – not too laid-back like the video before and not too wild, like the video in my mind. These girls look even better at 480p.

It is that time of the year again where I hope to get some Carnival photos and not get arrested by the Water Police for using a hose. People complain that every year Carnival is the same but yet every year it is different. I  was never in Port of Spain on a Carnival Monday or Tuesday and asked myself what year is this. And yes, there will be some level of skin showing, which will aggravate those who are moral and virtuous in their own minds but its fun to aggravate people like that as they choose to live among humans but fail to appreciate them. As far as the music for 2010 is concerned, I am now enjoying last year’s music so maybe next year I will know if this year’s music is any good.

If I don’t get any Carnival photos for any reason this year then this YouTube is it.

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A Sexy Blog

sexy_1_400_1This is my response to an email and a blog post by Babooshka, the owner and creator of the blog – A Place For Small Things.

There is nothing wrong with sexy girls and guys or pictures of them and we, as unfortunate as it might first appear to the easily offended, live in a world driven by sexy. Cover girls and guys are always sexy. They may not always be slim but they are always sexy. Expensive cars are designed with sexy in mind with the sports car being the first alternative to sex invented, closely followed by marriage. With the exception of science magazines the brain is never used on the front cover. Photos of the butt at every angle have sold more beer, jeans, Slim Fast and dumbbells than photos of  that collection of 100 billion neurons ever did. Sexy and the quest for sexiness, either by becoming or observing, is the underlying motivator of our brains. To deny sexiness exist, and its expression necessary, is to deny life itself.

Susanna and The Elders - Rembrant

Susanna and The Elders - Rembrant

So, should blogs be sexy? Yes, but only if you want to get them noticed. But getting a couple hundred visits per day or a dozen comments per post doesn’t mean anything if the blogger doesn’t feel the post is important. I enjoy reading some of my most unpopular blog post the most because it was meaningful to me and the honest expression of my life – yes they might be cryptic to some.  We should not blog for attention but for our need for expression. What people write is important but what they imply is even more important. I don’t mean to say that blogs should be pornographic in nature and its writing and content vulgar. I feel pornography is for the depraved and the deprived, and possibly the married. Sexiness, on the other hand, is for those who live and see life as if alive.

Sexiness comes in subtle forms but vulgarity doesn’t. Sexiness is not only

Trinidad Carnival

Trinidad Carnival

the human form but the human form of expression. Sexiness is bold and daring. Sexiness can be shy but only when the shyness is confident. Sexiness is happiness that pleases the mind in such a way it causes the heart to beat even a fraction faster and the eyes to open a millimeter more. Great painters didn’t always paint sexy pictures of nudes but they also painted sexy pictures of landscapes where the viewer felt alive with that mild but tingly urge to reproduce.

A sexy blog post can contain the description of a mysterious sound in the blogger’s ceiling or even this post. Sexy, as I pointed out before, is how people express their aliveness. Sexiness is not a bad word but a great and natural feeling.