Stephanie Rice – How to look good in a bikini

Stephanie Rice looks fantastic in this photo she recently posted on Twitter

Here we go again, judging a woman’s character as unsavory simply because she looks good in a bikini and let the world know. Stephanie Rice is an Australian swimmer and a triple Olympic Champion world record holder. She looks amazing in bikinis.

As expected, some people are making a fuss about the photo (above) which she recently posted on twitter because they say “the bikini is too racy and brings the Australian swim team into disrepute.”  I am certainly not offended by the photo and find the bikini racy enough. Some people are always pretentiously offended by anything sexy and would prefer if all women wear several bolts of cloth 24-7. This type of controversy will not go away anytime soon. I am now truly encouraged that the Olympics, which starts next month in London, might not be as boring as all the other Olympics. Some say she did it for attention and I say I hope so, for the Olympics sake. There are reports that one of her sponsors, Speedo, might be concerned about the posted photo but I think they might be secretly delighted she has the looks.  I want to suggest that other female athletes who have appropriate bodies, post photos of themselves in bikinis as a way of improving the TV ratings of the Olympics, and to encourage more females to take up sports as a lucrative career as opposed to crowded and boring fields like hairdressing, lingerie modeling, accounting, medicine and law.

Stephanie Rice up close


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Jessica Pare is Hot

If you are a fan of the TV series Mad Men you will agree that Jessica Pare (Megan) is Hot! Some say she is too skinny and has big teeth but she looks amazing in black underwear and can seduce with her French accent. The series Mad Men obviously needed fresh Female Talent after January Jones(Betty) became a little too annoying.I think there was a white or satin underwear scene featuring January Jones in Season 4 but maybe not as sexy as Pare in black or white.

Jessica Pare

January Jones

January Jones

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Raining Needles and Pins

Today was too good to pass up the opportunity to photograph the rain to help prove that it sometimes rains needles and pins. I used a tripod to hold the camera and a mango tree was positioned at the back of the rain. The photo was shot on location in Trinidad and Tobago using a Pentax K-7 fitted with a Pentax 50-200mm zoom lens at 1/80s and f6.3.

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Trinidad and Tobago Webcams

Maracas Bay

I love looking at live streaming webcams from all over the world and one I frequently visit is the Abbey Road Crossing webcam in London I visited Abbey Road last year August but more about that in a later blog post. I was thinking that there should be live, 24-hour streaming, tourism related webcams for Trinidad and Tobago which will go a long way in promoting tourism in the country. Examples of good webcam locations would be Maracas Bay, Mayaro beach, Frederick Street, The Croisee in San Junan, Curepe Junction, somewhere in San Fernando, Fort George Trinidad, Store Bay, Fort George Tobago, Piccadilly Street Trinidad and Duncan Street.With all the reports of crime in the media the Ministry of Tourism should not be afraid to show to the world what Trinidad and Tobago is really like 24-7. Show the potential tourists we have nothing to hide and that 98.97% of the time they will not see any crime being committed. This will boost potential visitor confidence internationally and will do more for the country’s economy than any press release by any Government authority or even the Minister of Finance.

Ultimate Solutions – Trinidad and Tobago

There are a few webcams operating for years in the Trinidad and the best are from Ultimate Solutions who decided to place mainly traffic related webcams at strategic locations and make them available to the public as good advertisement for their business. They also placed one at Maracas Bay and that can be considered a tourism related streaming webcam. There is another one in a street in Port of Spain which looks static some of the time because it can be a quiet street.

Abbey Road Studios – UK

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Why Prados Now Suck

I want to advise Toyota to immediately stop selling Prados to the Government and their agencies and change the name of the vehicle to anything else. It is amazing how two consecutive administrations has, at taxpayers expense, almost destroyed the reputation in Trinidad and Tobago of a quality, high-end company and SUV. The Audi people must be thanking their good fortune that politicians and their stooges prefer Toyota. There is now a stigma attached to the Prado where the sight of one causes the average voter and taxpayer to go into a fit of rage despite not being able to see who is inside due to illegal, and heavy tints on the glass. The average voter thought they voted against this chaufferism last election but apparently those we voted in think otherwise. It will be wise to reveal to the public the written justification for buying, leasing or even using such a high end vehicle by politicians and their minions especially when the man on the street has to reduce their consumption of doubles from two to one not to lose weight, but to make ends meet. Is there such a written justification?

If this Government really care about the people  – as opposed to pretending to care by mouthing politically correct catch phrases and waving a flag on stage to the sounds of “One Love”-  they would set the example of going green by prohibiting all elected and selected Government officials from buying, using, or even dreaming of using gas guzzlers at the expense of taxpayers.  The People’s Partnership will do well to remember that they were voted in such an overwhelming fashion not because we thought they were sooooo good and competent but because the PNM was sooooo good at corruption and incompetence. It now seems that the population, by the voting in of the current bunch of egoist and non-performers, have moved from the frying pan into the fires of hell.  From all indications by experts, the economy is now depressed and so too is the population so stop the gallerying and get to work.

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