The Trinidad and Tobago Police Force are Bullies and the Government, Thieves


The Police Force in Trinidad and Tobago is a joke and a despicably bad one at that. It was easy for me and nearly every citizen in this country to come to that conclusion after the deliberate act of terror unleashed by Police onto the population in the form of nationwide roadblocks of Friday 20th March 2015 and Monday 23 March 2015. This caused people who had to go into Port of Spain for work to get there in 5 hours instead of the usual 1 hour or so. These roadblocks were meant to cause nationwide chaos and to terrorize the population, nothing else.


The reasons for these acts of terror are not apparent but some say it was meant to send a signal to the Government and population by the Police Force that something like the July 27th 1990 coup is on the near horizon. Others say it was tied to the wage negotiation with the Government which is not going in the Bully’s favor. Regardless of the reason the deliberate act of terrorism by the Police Force it showed the country, in a most convincing manner, why crime is out of control in this country. It now appears that most of the Police Force are thugs, bullies and genuine idiots who are not interested in protecting and serving anyone but themselves and their Master. It now appears to the public that most of the members of the Police Force are either borderline criminals or practicing criminals and little else. They are much like the Government.

It sounded like a joke to me but the Minister of National Security (not Gary Griffith) launched an investigation into who gave the orders to terrorize the country. This investigation will take two weeks which is a ridiculous amount of time to find out who is the Mr. Big of the Police Force. Would heads be rolling after the report is read and then understood by the powers that be? Would arrests be made and the Terrorists tried in court? I doubt there will be a productive outcome of the investigation since inaction by the coward Government is more their style. Maybe Kamla will stall, fumble and mumble and then call a Commission of Enquiry  so that friends of The Party could continue to fill their pockets with funds of the Treasury. It is this continuous enrichment of the chosen minority which has angered all of us and if this blatant “thiefing” by the People’s Partnership is not stopped and remedied then the uneasiness will continue. I hope this Government is able to understand what the writing on the wall is saying and it is not saying “thanks for all the box drains.”

Anyway, it’s too late for this Ali Baba so let’s elect another.

A Police State or Police in a state


Road blocks by the police, and not burning tires and old fridges dragged across the roads are the cause of the latest horrific and unbearable traffic jam heading into Port of Spain this morning. Some say the local police, not know for their ability to fight crime very well, are using roadblocks to press for a wage increase. Some say if this is what the police are indeed doing then it is a form of terrorism. However, I am one of those citizens who do not believe radio DJs and refuse to acknowledge our police officers will stoop lower than a FIFA executive to get a few hundred dollars a month more from tax payers. The Police will never make children suffer for hours in traffic or get the Beetham bandits to steal from motorist trapped in a roadblock which is protecting and serving those who need the money most.


Like the wannabe likable politician will say “Most police officers are honest and hard working men and women. They don’t beat up all honest citizens, they don’t get involved in many car stealing rings, they don’t carry much coke and weed in their trunks for drug dealers, and they respond well to crime and criminals.”

The Police Force is here to protect like a condom and serve like a diseased Union Leader without a condom. The Police will not force the country to its knees even if it has the ability to do so on any morning they choose to go into self-service mode. The Police can easily bankrupt the nation’s productive ability and confidence in them in a flash. Need we be reminded in traffic again? It appears the Police just stated that this is either now a Police State or Police in a state.
