Carib and Stag – More Than Just Girls

More than just beer

More than just beer

Despite beer being brewed to perfection in Trinidad and Tobago at Carib Brewery in Champs Fleurs for decades, it only becomes real beer when served at the right temperature with peppered channa and that essential ingredient called our near perfect women. Some say if the Carib and Stag girls were discontinued, men would stop drinking beer and turn to meditation.

For countless years tourism, and in a few cases, a tourist, has taken a beating in Trinidad and Tobago. Because of poor marketing, poor work ethics, and career criminals we are constantly in treadmill mode in our attempts to woo visitors to our version of paradise. To get tourists to come to Trinidad and Tobago we would have to change our international image by highlighting our efficient policing efforts, preserve old buildings, ensure poison-free rivers and beaches, keep cobeauxs and crayfish alive and of course, highlight our diversely beautiful women using beer and blogs.

Like Crix, doubles, and commissions of inquiries, Carib and Stag have become true icons of our country but Carib and Stag have leaped to the head of the line with their marketing girls. There probably is a high turnover of these girls as shelf life can be short but the effect remains constant despite frequent changes.

The pictures that appeared on this blog were taken from the Carib Brewery website and Facebook pages.

Two facts about Carib and Stag in Trinidad and Tobago:

  • On May 16th 1950 Carib beer was first brewed
  • On Carnival Friday 1973 Stag beer was first brewed “in a 275ml A-line amber bottle. In the following year, its packaging moved to a 6 inch, 250ml green bottle”
Stag Beer Girls

Stag Beer Girls


Carib Girls

Carib Girls

Carib Girls Carib Girls 2


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Bad Food Country

Clever Packaging of Fast Food

Clever Packaging of Fast Food

Trinidad and Tobago is a frustrating country to live in not only because the police service can be selectively incompetent so as to intentionally start unrest but the population gets constant mixed signals from the authorities. On one hand foreign fast food franchises are government-encouraged and causing traffic all over the place while on the other the Minister of Health accuses citizens of being too fat and unhealthy from fast foods thus becoming a drain on the treasury. Not a big drain as kickbacks paid over the years to politicians and their friends but a drain on the public purse by the public is always looked upon with the highest disgust by holders of high office.

Hot cross bun

Hot cross bun

Yes, we as a country need food and jobs but it seems we are doing this at the expense of our health and foreign exchange. We are a bad food society and the lines of people buying fried food and chips at locations nationwide will always vastly outnumber the amount of people lining up to greet any former political hero on his or her way to buy something down town. I can sympathize with the Minister of Health’s frustration  as citizens always complain about the level of health care available while lounging on a couch, enjoying KFC and a massive Pepsi backed up with a current roll without raisins.



Despite high taxes on cigarettes and alcohol, these companies are immensely profitable due to the addictive nature of their products and the foolish people who buy them. It is no different with fried food with salt. High taxes are never a deterrent with addictions and taxing bad food to pay for dialysis seems as foolish as giving crooks access to the treasury and depending on integrity laws to keep them honest.

We need to take our lives in our own hands and fight the attraction of these toxic substances being sold  for high profit and packed in cleverly designed fast food boxes and brown paper bags.  Saying no to bad food will benefit the economy and the happiness index of the country. The turning of our collective backs on bad foods will start a good food revolution and also force doctors into more productive and humanitarian professions such as farming and engineering.  It will be a win win situation. 

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Banana Shortage threatens Trinidad Carnival 2013

The almost-perfect foreign bananas

The almost-perfect foreign bananas

There is a shortage of bananas in the country and it couldn’t happen at a worse time than one week before Carnival when thousands of women use the banana as their weapon of choice in that epic and seasonal battle with their bikini costumes. One woman claimed the only bananas she was able to put her hands on in recent time were quite soft and local. Over the years she had come to expect the consistently firmer ones from the islands and that they stayed harder longer. Several women claim the foreign bananas were considerably straighter than the local ones and looked more appealing as they were nearly unblemished when removed from the box. However, the woman said that foreign bananas were all the same, and too much quality control can make life boring. With the local bananas, you never quite know what to expect and on the rare occasion you are pleasantly surprised,” she was quoted as saying.

Bruised and banged up local bananas - some are almost as crooked as local politicians

Bruised and banged up local bananas – some are almost as crooked as local politicians

Trini Christmas – The Photo Story

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Here is another photo-project which I am calling “Trini Christmas.” I will start with a few photos and as I find more time I will take and post more shots. The photos shown are some of what I observed during this Christmas season. Christmas in Trinidad has a high content of foreign decorations, foreign movies and local pigs. None of this is a criticism since nearly everybody is happy with what we do during the Christmas season with the one exception being dying and killing with drinking and driving.  Local Christmas music is mainly the Spanish influenced Parang, White Christmas and Scrunter wanting A Piece of Pork for the Christmas. Sorrel is the most popular drink in Trinidad and Tobago at Christmas time after Scotch and coconut water. Sorrel drink is made from the fleshy red calyx of the hibiscus sabdariffa ( Ginger beer is popular but not something I am fond off so I will not try to big it up via blog.

There are several new trends developing over the years in Trinidad and Tobago for the Christmas Season such as avoiding the malls and streets and instead depending on Amazon and skybox addresses for everything from books to underwear for that special someone. There are now a number of these skybox services available in Trinidad and Tobago, services that can easily frustrate customers with unreliable delivery during this season of buying affection with credit cards.

The best way to describe the weather in Trinidad in December is tropically cool. Only last week I heard thunder then got soaked but generally the skies are sometimes blue and even bluer if a polarizing filter is used – no Photoshop is necessary for the season.

Christmas time is the best time of the year in TnT for those who have some money. Even if a person fell through the cracks and was never able to make any money because they lacked the skills and health necessary to get a job and live like people, there might be short-term charity made available by the rich and the Government. Nobody wants to be poor and in an attempt to combat poverty and unhappiness some public servants, politicians, and contractors team up to dabble in the corruption field at the expense of even those who don’t have any money.

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Happy Diwali !!!

Happy Diwali 2011

Happy Diwali 2011 - Saheena hot from the pot

Diyas soaking

Sweet Rice

Saheena and Chutney (चटनी)

Decorated wax diyas


Diwali 2011

Happy Diwali to all!! May all your saheenas be hot and tasty.

Hopefully I will post photos as they happen or as I have the time. Stay tuned.

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Eminem – Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

Rihanna can be described, according to Wikipedia, as a BarbadianR&B recording artist and songwriter. She can also be described as talented, sexy, infinitely  better than Chris Brown, and able to sell more than 15 million albums and 45 million singles worldwide so far. This latest song with Eminem is strangely addictive despite, or is it because of, Eminem’s foul mouth. For this festive season of good will to all men and especially pretty women, Eminem – Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna is stuck in my head like bun-bun at the bottom of a pelau pot. I can be heard humming this song all day even in the bank, while in the shower, or driving through floods of unknown height. The lyrics suggest that Eminem is still a bitter man either because he is bitter or bitterness sells. Based on the lyrics from Love The Way You Lie, Eminem’s world is still not a happy world. Eminem, for those who don’t know him, is a modern-day, depressed poet with lyrical talent that will only be too apparent scores of years from now. Here is a sample of why he will be considered great in the future:

Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that’s alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that’s alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

I can’t tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now there’s a steel knife
In my windpipe
I can’t breathe
But I still fight
While I can fight
As long as the wrong feels right
It’s like I’m in flight
High of a love
Drunk from the hate
It’s like I’m huffing paint
And I love it the more that I suffer
I sufficate
And right before im about to drown
She resuscitates me
She f&*%%$#ing  hates me
And I love it
Where you going
I’m leaving you
No you ain’t
Come back
We’re running right back
Here we go again
It’s so insane…..

Rihanna - Nice Ears

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Tobago Crab Without Dumplings

Tobago Crab at Store Bay

Tobago Crab - No Dumpling

Here is a Tobago crab minus the dumplings. Around this time of the year there are many Trinis who line up by Miss Jean or Miss Trim in Store Bay, Tobago to buy Crab and Dumpling without thinking that neither the dumplings nor the crabs are fond of the dish. These crabs are shy because they want to live and probably heard many horror stories about humans and their dumplings. Maybe Chennette, Wizzy or Chris can assure this crab in the photo – who probably reads my blog –  that he or she is much too thin to even come close to a box of Tobago dumplings.

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Beyonce Cries on Behalf of Fans and Bmobile Customers

Beyonce in Brazil or Brasil

Beyonce in Brazil

One newspaper  reported that Beyonce was moved to near tears at the end of the concert in Port of Spain, and I am sure it wasn’t just because she gave a great performance or that she finally learnt how to “Palance”. I think she nearly cried because she realized the masses couldn’t see her on stage and most of the VVIPs missed the show because they were too busy fighting for doubles. From all the concert reviews and letters to the Editors published, I can only hope Bmobile will pay the ultimate price for their typical customer-discourtesy by the loss of customers, including some VVIP corporate accounts but this is Trinidad and Tobago where the more you ill-treat someone the more they love you.

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Tire Shine in Chubby Bottles? – Trinidad and Tobago Madness

Is Chubby not a well-known soft drink brand and its bottle shape also very well-known by children and adults all over Trinidad and Tobago? Is Tire Shine a soft drink intended for children? If not, then why is this no-name brand of Tire Shine also using a similar bottle to Chubby that even a bright child or literate adult might easily mistake for a Chubby Cream Soda? To make matters worse, there are no contact information or ingredients listed on the Tire Shine bottle so if a child accidentally drinks some Tire Shine the doctors would only be guessing how to treat the child. The bottler of this no-name brand of Tire Shine appears to operate as if they will never be discovered and held accountable.The sellers are even more culpable but just as safe.

From what I understand, you can get this Chubby-style Tire Shine from many automotive accessory stores in Trinidad, and it was probably bottled in Chubby bottles to help the Tire Shine bottlers maximize their profits. I doubt the Tire Shine bottlers really care if children are harmed by a businessman’s quest for wealth because getting wealthy in Trinidad and Tobago is priority number one. I have no idea if the OHS Act in Trinidad and Tobago covers household chemicals and food but Act or no Act, somebody needs a big stick across their back for doing this crap.

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Starbucks and Doubles

doubles Trinidad

The security guards at Piarco are sure AA rechargeable batteries are the enemy while in the US the TSA is on the lookout for chocolate chip cookies and little bottles of hotel shampoo. On some days they even throw a tantrum over conditioner. All this is a waste of time since neither battery nor hair cleaner will bring the US to a standstill but halting the shipments of Starbucks will. Everything stops without Starbucks. If you want to know what life without Starbucks would feel like to an American just imagine no channa in Trinidad.

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An Interview with Chennette

chennette-600Check out  Chennette’s interview on Amazing Trinidad Vacations. Chennett has developed the tasty and unique blog, Lifespan of a Chennette, with recipes, comments, and photographs about mainly local and Caribbean food. Chennette also includes foreign foods she experienced on her frequent travels to far off lands such as Turkey, Barbados and Grenada. According to Chennette she is “a Trini currently living and working in Guyana, with the good fortune of being able to hop around some of the beautiful places in the Caribbean, all the while learning how to use my camera.”

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A Blog Survey

This Beach Called Life - recent daily blog stats

This Beach Called Life - recent daily blog stats

People start blogging for many reasons but I think the main reasons are (a) because everybody is doing it, and (b) it’s cheaper than a short skirt. Soon, however, if we persist, we get very attached to our blog and it becomes a part of us just like our chiseled abs or our “Beyonce in a short skirt” desktop background. We worry about not posting and we assume once we write a post it becomes a significant part of the blog universe. We believe people read out blogs and hope it becomes a source of inspiration and envy just as our Nissan Almeras and women have become. Posting to our blog then becomes our fix.

beyonceThere is nothing bad about being addicted to blogging except it changes the way we look at the world causing us to go through life looking at every thing and every situation wondering if this could be our next blog post.

With this in mind, and in order to try to get a better understand the blogger’s mind, I developed a blog survey. I posted the questions below because I needed a fix but if you seriously want to help move blog science forward, then do the actual survey by clicking here.

1.0 Why do you blog?

(a)    It will be my legacy

(b)    I need attention

(c)    I need an outlet for my frustration

(d)    Sex

(e)   I am turned on by comments

2.0 Do you plan to sell the rights of you blog to a movie company?

(a)    What?

(b)    Once the price is right

(c)    Only if Megan Fox agrees to the lead

(d)    Yes, but the movie must contain no nudity during the intermission.

3.0 How many visits does your blog receive per month?

(a)    Over 30,000

(b)    20,000 to 30,000

(c)    Less than 20,000

(d)    Less than 100

(e)    What is a visit?

4.0 How often do you update your blog?

(a)    I am a freak of nature so I update daily

(b)    Less than 20 times per month

(c)    Whenever I feel lonely

(d)    Every time the government decides to build a smelter

5.0 Does your blog contain photos portraying tasteful or disgusting nudes?

(a)    It’s the reason I blog

(b)    No, I don’t believe in nudity so I shower with all my clothes on.

6.0 Will blogging ever replace parliament?

(a)    Never

(b)    No

7.0 Do you sleep in the nude or have arm pits?

(a)   Yes

(b)   No

8.0 Do you think Angostura Bitters adds to the taste of pelau or bland blogs?

(a)    What is pelau

(b)    What is Angostura Bitters?

(c)    No, since it makes the pelau taste like orange juice

(d)    Yes, since it possibly has small amounts of deadly poisons which can enhance the taste of pigeon peas and some bloggers

9.0 Have you ever blogged while eating?

(a) No

(b) Does food count?

10.0 What is your favorite blog?

(a) This Beach Called Life

(b) All of the above

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Pro Max Screws Nation After Speedo Bulges



The sounds of “Oh no, ah doe have tuh goe” crooned over the Sony Boom Box that Pro Max hugged. It was the inspiration for his first, post-European speech he had been looking for since he removed his Red, White and Black, frontally-enhanced Speedo that he wore  on his recent screw-the-nation European tour. The Plagiarizing Priest told Max the answer would come either in a song or in mid-wine but Max didn’t think Destra’s “Wey yuh want” was quite the song and all his wines now ended before the middle.

Pro Max decided, apart from telling people he was not going anywhere, except for vacation, he would talk down to them. He would hide behind the false shield of confidentiality even though the letter from The Judge and the emails from the Brilliant Journalist were on the streets. How stupid the public is, he often thought. PM PM, his guru and desktop background, often said the best defense is a good offense. Accept responsibility but say nothing, was going to be the gist of his speech. He wrote with renewed arrogance since he knew for sure The Party wasn’t about to throw him on the street and may even chant his name in approval at public events, in the way cult followers do. He learnt The Party admired the extra mile he went to select some line-towers and this thought made his Speedo bulge ever so faintly in approval.

Pro Max finished his speech and realized how much he loved his nation but  over the years that love turned to lust. He was sure it was the love/lust relationship which caused him to screw the nation so much. As he closed his laptop he could swear he heard distant booing and wondered if it was The Shand Man or just his conscience acting up again.

Max is conveniently missing the point to justify ignoring the country while he was on vacation. What non-party supporters and even some party supporters are asking (the population) is:

(1) Did Max appoint a chairman to the IC who was an exposed-eventually-self-confessed plagiarist? Isn’t a plagiarist a type of thief? Why would somebody who is knowingly a type of thief be appointed as Chairman of the IC by the President? The answer to this one should be a classic. Lets move on like Max.

(2) Did Max promise The Judge the deputy Chairmanship but reneged on the offer (promise) and failed to inform the Judge until he was handed his Instrument of Appointment in front of everybody? This was not only embarrassing to the Judge but it smelled of something sinister. Did the Judge lie in his letter of resignation? If the judge didn’t lie then Max should resign. There is nothing confidential about his letter of resignation, and 99 out of 100 people don’t think the Judge lied. Moving on like Max.

(3) How come Max did not know the appointed Deputy Chairman was not even eligible to be a member of the IC but common sense told the rest of the nation he wasn’t? Ignorance of the fact by Max is not an answer, it is a reason to resign. Moving on like Max.

If Max cannot answer these questions to the comfort of the nation, during this time of serious corruption allegations against big men in society who are openly backed by big politicians in society,  then he must step down in  what now looks like a big disgrace. It didn’t have to be like this.

A large percentage of the population fears about Max have be realized and every attempt he made at defending his position reaffirms the public’s suspicion about him.

Sadly, there is little that can be done to remove Max and the country might just have to sink with his ego, his guilt,  his misdeeds, and his support of a Dictatorship.

Let’s Move On, Max.

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