Introducing Miloš Karadaglić and the Classical Guitar

Milos Karadaglic

The intense buzz around the guitar world lately is that Montenegro-born Milos Karadaglic is the new guitar hero of the classical guitar world, replacing the late Andrés Segovia, Julian Bream, John Williams, and Christopher Parkening to name just a few. Milos has bolted to prominence only months ago with his first album, Mediterráneo. With his youth, plus good and trendy looks, Milos has the potential to make the Classical Guitar a more popular instrument among young people, just as the violin is once again. Already the non-classical guitar groupies are somewhere between deep awe and envy of Milos. Milos is only 28 years old, has First Class Honours and a Masters degree from the Royal Academy and now a Meaker Junior Fellow – whatever that is. In theory, Milos should be a stuffed-shirt and a nerd but he comes across as anything but.

Vanessa Mae

Young people have always strived for cool in their music and cool was, and still mainly is with pop. It is very rare that a performer of classical music has even approached cool but Milos, just by the luck of looks and amazing talent due to passion and dedication, is coming across as a hip and super-talented character – Vanessa Mae was mildly popular with her renditions of popped-up pop and classical music on violin assisted by her short skirts and pretty legs.

The pop world is too crowded with transient and superficial talent and with the young mind being distracted easily, it is doubtful that something as intense and intellectual as the classical guitar will gain much of their attention for very long, Milos or not. I think if Milos ever releases an album of classic rock standards such as Stairway to Heaven, Bohemian Rhapsody and Hotel California, he will be even more popular in the real world but this will no doubt offend the classical one.

Miloš won two prestigious Gramophone awards on October 6th in London and he is being taken seriously by the classical music world.

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Happy Diwali !!!

Happy Diwali 2011

Happy Diwali 2011 - Saheena hot from the pot

Diyas soaking

Sweet Rice

Saheena and Chutney (चटनी)

Decorated wax diyas


Diwali 2011

Happy Diwali to all!! May all your saheenas be hot and tasty.

Hopefully I will post photos as they happen or as I have the time. Stay tuned.

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Avocado Thief – A New Trend

Avocado Thief trending - 2011-10-22

Avocado Thief trending - 2011-10-22

I thought I was seeing things but I was not. Trending yesterday on Yahoo! USA was Avocado Thief. Yep, Avocado Thief. At first I thought a local news story went viral – the news story about our local zaboca farmer, fed up of thieves, who claimed to have intentionally poisoned over 200 zabocas which were stolen and supposedly made its way to the markets – but it was not. It was, according to the Los Angeles Times, a story about “An admitted avocado thief in north San Diego County has been ordered to stay away from any groves bearing the popular fruit and prohibited from possessing more than 10 avocados at a time.”

What-ah-thing, I thought. Avocados, a.k.a Zabocas, seem to be the new gold of the North-western Hemisphere. Soon people will no longer hold up banks because banks tend to get very unstable due to internal greed. Robbers will soon storm zaboca estates while brandishing machine guns and 40-foot refrigerated containers. It will only be a matter of time before cargo trains and ships carrying tons of zabocas are hijacked by ruthless zaboca gangs. Cars with zabocas in the back seat or trunks will be broken into and the zabocas carted away. Laptops and iPads will be safe. Shortly there will emerge a Zaboca Godfather and a bloody zaboca turf war will give the law enforcers a new nightmare. Zaboca insurance will rise to unheard of and obscene levels. I cringe at the thought since me and my tree will no doubt be included in that turf and both will become unisurable.

Maybe our local judiciary will follow the American judge but I suggest 4 instead of 10 zabocas. I want to also recommend police conduct roadblocks and interrogate anyone who is found with 4 or more zabocas in their possession. The State of Emergency should be used to make a dent in the lucrative zaboca stealing cartel. Nip it in the bud, I say. If Kamla, Jack, Anand, Prakash, and Hubert really care about the people they should spare no effort in making the owning of a zaboca tree a source of pride and not like many Government projects, a source of income for thieves.

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11/22/63: A Novel – Stephen King – A Slow-Riser

One of life’s major lessons is that we should never decide to pre-order a book by its cover alone but also by its synopsis, author, title, size, and weight. It is the combination of these factors and my juvenile fan mentality which caused me to shell out US$19.98 from my credit card to per-order Stephen King‘s latest novel that doesn’t seem to be doing too well on Amazon’s Bestseller list – it is at # 72 and slowly rising.

I am not sure why it’s so low but King’s last novel, Full Dark, No Stars, was amazing. It is possible that people are turned off by the time-travel theme of 11/22/63 or ignorance of just who was this J.F.K guy anyway. With neutrinos allegedly now traveling at speeds that can make time travel possible, I expected more readers to join this bandwagon. Possibly the size and weight of the book- 960 pages and weighing over 3 pounds in hardcover – which is keeping the weak but literate away.

People love to hold their paper securely but paper or not, thick things are always a challenge to hold for most with average size hands. With thickness in mind, 11.22.63 will also be available in that light-weight format known as Kindle for US$17.12 which is a refreshingly lower price than the hardcover version. Thankfully, the Full Dark, No Stars Kindle fiasco was not repeated. I choose paper over Kindle since Kindle books are not as lendable as paper and also cannot be sold in a garage sale when in a though financial bind. 11.22.63 will be released on 11.08.11.


Marketing Synopsis taken form

On November 22, 1963, three shots rang out in Dallas, President Kennedy died, and the world changed forever.

If you had the chance to change the course of history, would you?

Would the consequences be worth it?

Jake Epping is a thirty-five-year-old high school English teacher in Lisbon Falls, Maine, who makes extra money teaching adults in the GED program. He receives an essay from one of the students—a gruesome, harrowing first person story about the night 50 years ago when Harry Dunning’s father came home and killed his mother, his sister, and his brother with a hammer. Harry escaped with a smashed leg, as evidenced by his crooked walk.

Not much later, Jake’s friend Al, who runs the local diner, divulges a secret: his storeroom is a portal to 1958. He enlists Jake on an insane—and insanely possible—mission to try to prevent the Kennedy assassination. So begins Jake’s new life as George Amberson and his new world of Elvis and JFK, of big American cars and sock hops, of a troubled loner named Lee Harvey Oswald and a beautiful high school librarian named Sadie Dunhill, who becomes the love of Jake’s life—a life that transgresses all the normal rules of time.

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Steve Jobs 1955 – 2011

“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.”
Steve Jobs -Stanford University commencement speech, 2005

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JLo – Behind the Sexy

JLo - closeup

JLo, aka Jennifer Lynn Lopez, according to Wikipedia and my memory, is an American singer, actress, dancer, television producer, television personality, fashion designer, a mother, a perfume, Mark Anthony’s soon-to-be ex wife and still a sex symbol. I use the word still because nobody remains a sex symbol all their life but because JLo is only 42 years old, she may have a few years of  mass-appeal sexiness in her yet as silicon technology and Madonna make enormous strides.

Like any multitalented sex symbols, JLo is loved by many men and hated by nearly as many women who think she is not only overrated but also one of the key females whose shapely image enters the mind of their male companion during sex and waking hours.


I am not sure why this is called a catsuit since I have never seen a cat in these suits.

JLo in a catsuit


JLo in a sexy trademark pose

JLo - sexy trademark pose

JLo - a recent shot

JLo cannot be left behind

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