CHOGM – So What!

The Prime Minister has asked me and the other citizens to be supportive of CHOGM (pronounced chewing gum) which might include no negative blogging or making fun of it. The Prime Minister has also asked me, along with other gullible citizens, to look out for foreign investments after CHOGM as investments might be so small we all have to keep our collective eyes open for it. Even if we don’t get CHOGM investments because of traffic, crime, flooding and school children regularly killing each other with 10-inch kitchen knives, we will be happier because of CHOGM starting Monday. Some citizens have already benefited from CHOGM with carefully orchestrated economic activity thrown their way. “Just get it now, I don’t want to know the price. The Queen  coming, and Sarkozy too” one organizer was heard whispering on the phone to a friend. “Sarco who? But anyway, it expensive” said the friend. “So what! You ever hear about the new property tax!” the organizer snickered.

The Queen and other major people will be coming for CHOGM but very few will drive on a traffic road or tour our shanty towns. Very few will meet a normal citizen or have any recollection of our country’s name after Sunday lunch. How can we benefit by the arrogant, head-laughing-stock flying in via jet from fifty something countries,  gathering under one roof to talk about polar ice and eat corn soup that was made in an aluminum pot.

Yes, most citizens still think CHOGM is a few-hundred-million dollar joke and will not benefit citizens in any way.  Most see CHOGM and the big flagpole as a drain on our scarce foreign exchange and the reason for the increased property tax.  Maybe most of the benefits of CHOGM will come in the not too distant future as the Treasury is confirmed empty and the Government increases another tax. Maybe the real benefits of CHOGM will be felt when the Government starts its final plunder for dollars to buy a private jet by attacking those once stable pension funds with their party-backers-financiers. “So what!”

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17 thoughts on “CHOGM – So What!

  1. All hail the King, and his court.

    Lol, your words ‘chewing gum’ brought my mind to thinking a better pronunciation would be ‘show gum’; and the thought process that crossed my mind was that is exactly what the citizens will be doing.

    By that I mean… with the way things are; how many people can afford decent dental treatment? Traditionally, dental services lag behind other medical treatment – one would sooner visit the doctor for the flu than a dentist for an infected tooth/gum.

    So, dental treatments will be considered a luxury for those who can afford it, except this bracket is getting smaller and smaller.

    Rather than the Government putting a plan in place that is subsidised for the citizens, we have CHOGM. A pont… any first visit to a dentist in the UK cost £16.50. this includes multiple visits and treatment if it comes under the same problem being treated. A max cost of around £50 is for level 3 treatment.

    All citizens – smile and ‘show gum’.

      • I want to recommend that the leftovers from Show Gum or Chewing Gum, or whatever it is called, be used to feed the poor and starving people of this country. But with that caliber of food, I hope they remember to give the poor a good fork with it. At least the poor and starving will not be able to say they doe hah one fork for Christmas.

    • Show Gum, said the man in the street who made an appointment to get a passport the same time as to see a state dentist. Hopefully his travel needs and level 3 toothache could wait the two years for the appointments.

      Show Gun, the business man said to the bandit who announced a holdup using a kitchen knife instead of the customary gun. The businessman said to the bandit that if he was going to get anywhere in the world of crime he either had to get a gun or appointed to a state board – preferably chairman. The bandit protested and said he used knives in school and it worked well against anybody who looked at him kind ah funny. The businessman laughed and asked the bandit how he (the bandit) was going to shoot at the police when chased. He explained to the bandit that he should think seriously about a chairmanship as police don’t shoot at them or even raid their homes in Miami. In frustration and realization, the child (bandit) put the knife back in his school bag and walked away from the businessman who refused to look at the bandit even in a funny way.

      Show Done, was the words the head of the Treasury used in his brief report on the state of the economy. He said there was less than US$50 left with several highways to build and a private jet to catch. He wasn’t sure exactly how many more flagpoles the state wanted for project Pride but with all the money missing from the coffers, he was going to recommend higher property tax and a raffle.

  2. Pingback: Global Voices Online » Trinidad & Tobago: Waste of Time?

  3. if it wasn’t for CHOGM, I would never know the PM’s view of per capita emissions being irrelevant as the Earth and the Environment doesn’t care about per capita…fun facts

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