And The Prime Minister said “Get off my grass!”

The Prime Minister’s contractor was caught watering the Prime Minister’s lawn by the Trinidad Express and was fired by the Prime Minister because the Prime Minister didn’t know his contractor was still watering the Prime Minister’s lawn with scarce national water because the Prime Minister told the country he can remember telling the Prime Minister’s Wife to tell the grass contractor to stop greening up the grass as if it was a fete.

It appears the Prime Minister only became aware there was a water crisis in the country a couple days ago during a speech where he urged a handful of supporters to stop wasting water on grass. One wonders if the Prime Minister would have fired the contractor, stopped watering the people’s grass or even noticed his grass was the greenest in the land if the Trinidad Express hadn’t brought it to the nation’s attention.

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8 thoughts on “And The Prime Minister said “Get off my grass!”

  1. Pingback: Global Voices Online » Trinidad & Tobago: “The Garden Want Water”

  2. One wonders if the Prime Minister would have fired the contractor, stopped watering the people’s grass or even noticed his grass was the greenest in the land if the Trinidad Express hadn’t brought it to the nation’s attention.

    I doubt it…

  3. ROTFL Okay somebody needs to tell me to get my head out of the gutter because that line about Prime Minister’s lawn was being liberally watered has me in hysterics. I did find that Mrs Manning was looking especially happy in PNM fete Monday night. And all dis time I thought Patos not the gardener that was making her so happy:-)

    On a serious note, I feel sorry for that contractor as no way I believe that he was told by the PM(or wife) not to water the lawn. In fact I belive he was told just the opposite and now the mark buss – yuh expect the PM not to lay blame elsewhere.

    • wizzy, you got it!

      Seriously though, I also feel sorry for the man because he was only doing what he was paid to do. If Mr Green went public claimed both the PM and Mrs PM knew he was watering the grass for the wife, and the PM claimed otherwise, who would the public believe? That is also a rhetorical question 🙂

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