West Indies Make Australia Shed Tears in ICC World 20Twenty

guyana-england-west-indies-cricket-2009-3-22-17-30-47Seeing Australia get bulldozed by the super underdogs, West Indies, and in particular, by Chris Gayle’s massive hitting, made my weekend. Australia, batting first, was bowled out by The Windies for a respectable 169 for 7. But Gayle and Fletcher blasted the Australian bowling with the first wicket, Fletcher, going when the Windies score was on 133 in the 11th over. Gayle was dismissed for 88 in the 14th over and made his 88 in 50 balls with 6 -fours and 6- sixes. By the time Gayle was dismissed  Australia was already worrying about being beaten by Sri Lanka.

fireworks_6_2008_2009 _450Knowing the variable ability of the West Indies, it is possible to never again see this level of performance by them in 20Twenty, or any form of cricket, for years. But fans hope, and some pray, the team will go with the momentum. It is not very often West Indies beat Australia much less pulverize them so today we celebrate as if it is the last time we will ever win anything.

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England and the West Indies vs Duckworth-Lewis


Never send a cricket coach to do a statistician’s job ~ aka_lol (2009)

West Indies cricket Coach John Dyson gave England the glory of a statistical victory rather than let the West Indian batsmen plod to almost certain defeat because of fading light in the lightless Providence Stadium in Guyana.

It was the move of a lifetime when Dyson waved the batsmen in. The batsmen were confused as there was no scrolling banner below the scoreboard saying which team was Duckworth-Lewis ahead and there was no communications between Dyson and the Match Referee. It was all down to the nail-biting misinterpretation of the Duckworth-Lewis charts by Dyson. Another fine day for Cricket.

Pakistani Gunmen Shoot Sri Lankan Cricketers

As if Pakistan isn’t already viewed by the World as a country sympathetic to terrorist, comes this latest despicable attack. Masked gunmen opened fire this morning on a bus with the Sri Lankans cricketers in Lahore. At least five Pakistani police men were killed and seven Sri Lankan cricketers injured. Initial reports from the BBC said two cricketers were injured seriously. This is another horrific attack by Pakistanis on innocent people.

This latest Terrorist attack in Pakistan will be the final nail in the coffin of Pakistani cricket. Since the Pakistani Government appears to be indifferent to their homegrown Terrorist then Pakistani Cricket will have to suffer and suffer for years. No doubt Pakistan as a country will also suffer. A statement by the Pakistani Information Minister said Pakistan hopes to welcome Cricketers soon. The Information Minister seems to be a typical Government Idiot.

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani strongly condemned the “terrorist” attack and ordered an immediate inquiry. – Yes, damage control but the damage has already been done and what did you, Mr President and Mr. Prime Minister, do to prevent it? Nothing, I guess.

Sir Allen Stanford’s Financial Empire Investigated


The Stanford Financial Group’s business activities are being investigated by the US authorities. The financial group is owned by Sir Allen Stanford, a Texas Billionaire and an Antiguan Knight. Over the last few years Sir Allen Stanford’s name became a household word to all West Indians and the cricketing world because of  the huge prizes he offered to mainly West Indian Cricketers. Now his financial empire is under scrutiny for offering rates of returns to investors that seemed too good to be true just as Sir Allen’s cricket prizes were.

I have a hunch that this may be the end of the lucrative side of the Stanford 20Twenty Tournament in the West Indies and there is much speculation about the cancellation of the US$20 million dollar England/West Indies 20/20 for 20 Tournament. The West Indies cricket team easily won the first match of the 20/20 for 20 Tournament with each West Indian player pocketing one million dollars US while the wife of an English cricketer won the privilege to sit on the billionaire’s lap. Many people said this prize (money) was too good to be true and it was poisoning cricket but nobody died. Sir Allen also added several novelties to the game such as  interviews with players on the field and the Super Over Tie -Breaker. The one missing attraction to the Stanford 20/20 matches was cheerleaders, Indian Premier League style.  Some cricket traditionalists were upset that Stanford, an American, threatened to take the game away from its non-American roots but now they may not have to worry.

Both West Indian and English Cricketers are concerned they may not have another shot at the multimillion dollar prize again but world financial conditions and the FBI might determine what happens next. Cricket needs a shot in the arm again and if Sir Allen Stanford cannot do it then maybe a consortium of business men can. Stanford showed the world what was possible with cricket but he may not be able to do it if he is shackled for his past.

UPDATE – 17-02-2009 :

Washington, D.C., Feb. 17, 2009 – The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Robert Allen Stanford and three of his companies for orchestrating a fraudulent, multi-billion dollar investment scheme centering on an $8 billion CD program.

Stanford’s companies include Antiguan-based Stanford International Bank (SIB), Houston-based broker-dealer and investment adviser Stanford Group Company (SGC), and investment adviser Stanford Capital Management. The SEC also charged SIB chief financial officer James Davis as well as Laura Pendergest-Holt, chief investment officer of Stanford Financial Group (SFG), in the enforcement action. ~ The Wall Street Journal


Cork Ball

What do suicide bombers and West Indian Cricketers have in common? They are both easily blown away. In recent years the West Indies cricket team has become adept in not only losing, but in making excuses for losing. The excuses range from “we played badly” to “Lara make duck.” There’s now a ritual at the end of every match where the West Indies Captain say to the fans huddled around their TV sets, there is hope, and then promptly put on what can only be described as a duck-fest. Fans are embarrassed and hide the shame by faking a Sri Lankan accent. Even some of the players are doing it.

In just a few years the West Indies has moved from cricketing supremacy to cricketing boboley. The West Indies Players Association demand big pay checks but little performance. I have no problem with paying players for work done but to pay them for playing bat-and-ketch with the opposing team is ridiculous. The board is demanding discipline and respect but they get none. The board has no credibility because they have no game plan. The team is bewildered and lacks the fighting spirit, the mental stamina, the cleverness, the discipline, the professionalism and the balls to make it in international cricket. We are unable to learn from our mistakes so we entertain the crowd by becoming the laughing stock of the cricketing world. I have no problem in supporting a team that is trying to win but to support a team that is indifferent to victory is hard to do. But I persist because I can’t fake an accent without migrating first.

Corrective action needs to be taken and if that action means we fire or don’t fire the selectors, the board, the coach, the players, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we beat everybody senseless. West Indies Cricket is not only about winning, it’s about trying, and that is what we have forgotten how to do.