The World Wants Barack Obama



I don’t intend to tell Americans who to vote for but the World seems to have made up its mind. The very respected Economist magazine has a running poll on the US elections and a sample of how the World is thinking is shown below.

Country McCain Obama
Afghanistan 14 86
Algeria 43 57
Angola 15 85
Australia 10 90
Brazil 16 84
Britain 10 90
Canada 10 90
China 17 83
Colombia 46 54
Congo 54 46
France 7 93
Germany 9 91
Greenland 10 90
Iceland 7 93
India 13 87
Indonesia 5 95
Iraq 55 45
Italy 9 91
Jamaica 6 94
Japan 14 86
Portugal 15 85
Russia 13 87
South Africa 11 89
Spain 17 83
Sudan 48 52
Sweden 13 87
Taiwan 18 82
Trinidad and Tobago 7 93
Venezuela 46 54