Blue Moon Rising Tonight – The Madness Continues

December 30th 2009 - Full Moon at St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

December 30th 2009 - Full Moon at St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

According to Wikipedia, a Blue Moon is defined as “… a full moon that is not timed to the regular monthly pattern. Most years have twelve full moons which occur approximately monthly, but in addition to those twelve full lunar cycles each calendar year contains an excess of roughly eleven days. …” This means that tonight there will be a blue moon as the first full moon for the month of December occurred on the 2nd. Tonight, in Trinidad and Tobago, the moon will rise at 5:58 PM and set at 6:05 AM  on January 1st 2010. People will get drunk sometime between those times and drugs, guns and US dollars may disappear for police stations once again. As far as I know, the moon doesn’t actually look blue unless it is Photoshoped.

There are many superstitions that are associated with a blue moon and they are similar to a full moon. The main superstition is that more people become mad during a full moon than any other time of the month and some believe even more madness occurs during a blue moon. Because of the blue moon tonight, people will be setting off those wonderful fire sticks called fireworks making the fireworks businesses almost as profitable as the big flag pole business. Dogs, cats, birds, citizens and other wildlife living in cities with too much high annual rental value houses will go into a frenzy tonight as if the Gods decided they have no say in what goes on or their sanity.

For those who are reading this in 2009 and early 2010, the start of a new decade, this blog would like to wish you and your belongings a Happy New Year full of low property valuations, less muggings and stupid Government Ministers!!

p.s. my wishes almost never come true.

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